Page 86 of Learning to Walk

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Bates was nearly giggling, but Gareth was just looking at me like he thought I’d lost my mind. “Are you sure?”

“No, but we need to anyway.” And I’d never get confident about it if we didn’t talk about it.

Bates liked the pup idea.

Gareth thought it looked like fun.

No one thought it was bad-weird and I wasn’t scared of Gareth’s dick.

God, even thinking about it sounded insane.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea.” Gareth reached up and stroked my head like I was an overly anxious pet. “You don’t have to talk about penises or plugs if you don’t want to. We can take that slow.”


As I tried to bargain with God to just strike me down with lightning since that’d be the fastest or maybe most ironic way to kill me with all the shenanigans we were getting up to, Bates let out a breath and managed not to laugh. “I think he really wants to see you as a pup and that’s what’s making him so anxious. Yes, he’s worried about what will happen, but this has been something he’s wanted for a while.”

I couldn’t help nodding…it just happened on its own, but instead of making things clearer for Gareth, he looked even more confused. “Why? I mean, I understand wanting to live out the fantasy. That part makes sense. But why is he so…wiggly?”

That seemed to be the nicest word he could come up with and it made Bates fight off the giggles again. When he could breathe without snickering, he sat straighter and seemed to be doing his best to look like the TV version of a Dom, serious and confident. “Because he’s never been a Handler before and he’s worried that he’ll be a bad Dom for you.”


“Huh?” Gareth echoed my thought, but it didn’t take long for me to realize we weren’t seeing things the same way. “Why would he think he’d do a bad job of taking care of me? I’d be easier to deal with than Brady and Cash did great with that.”

Somehow I’d fallen into an alternate universe.

Marvel kept saying there were an infinite number of the damned things, so maybe they were right.

“I…” Nothing else came out as my head ping-ponged back and forth between the two confusing men. “I…that’s…”

Well, at least it’d been more than one word?

They just ignored my accomplishment, though, which was rude and appreciated all at the same time.

“He keeps reminding you that you’re more important to him than Brady.” Bates shrugged. “There’s family and then there’s family.”

Gareth nodded like it was sage advice even though it was insane. “Yeah, and we’re the family kind.”

I was still trying to decipher that ridiculousness when Gareth started shaking his head. “But still, playing fetch is so much easier than keeping Brady occupied.”

Okay, he had a point.

My brain still hadn’t caught up to current events when Gareth turned to me with a serious look on his face. “You know that if you’re my Dom when I’m a pup, you’re going to have to see my penis?”




So maybe I shouldn’t have complained about being ignored?

“I’m not scared of your penis!” Fuck.

That’d been way too loud but it didn’t really hit me until a voice came through the window from the parking lot.

“If you have to keep telling him that, then you shouldn’t be getting naked with him for fuck’s sake. Work on your communication.”
