Page 98 of Learning to Walk

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And Cash was so good for praising Bates when my brain and mouth wouldn’t work at the same time. People forgot how important it was to recognize a good job. I knew I’d tell them both later, but I was so proud of Cash for remembering.

When it was his turn to be tortured, I hoped Bates would do a good job on him too.

Pain was so fabulous.

Why had no one besides Brady mentioned that before?

As I came back from the edge, I was working at remembering to breathe, and I wished someone who seemed to be a bit more reliable had explained the pain-pleasure thing before. Brady was sometimes…well, very Brady…but it seemed like he was right about this one.

“Yes, ease him back down.” Bates gave Cash another sweet kiss, making me smile as he taught Cash how to make me crazy. “You’ve got him shaking and look how hard he is…all that precum. He’s beautiful and you did that. Let’s see if we can get him even closer.”

Cash was such a good light switch.

Something about the way Cash’s hand tightened on my dick as he started jerking me off again had them both chuckling. But every time I almost figured out what was so funny, they’d send another flash of pain through me or tell me how pretty my dick was.

It was too distracting and all the important thoughts kept escaping as I got closer and closer to my orgasm. I seemed to get there faster every time and it was like I was a train, barreling toward the cliff where the best reward was just out of reach.

As I got closer, I expected them to pull me back and find a reason to snatch the pleasure away. No humping. That wasn’t enough begging. He hasn’t learned his lesson. But that time there was nothing but pinches and strokes and teasing fingers wandering over my balls.

All it took was one tug and they sent me flying over the edge. My train soared through the air, cum exploding out of me, and then I had the best crash ever. It was so good the world went fuzzy, and when it cleared, I was tucked in between both my guys and they were snuggled close. “That was crazy.”

I was being serious because I didn’t have a better word for it, but they chuckled and gave me kisses. “You’re going to love that, Cash. I can’t wait to see you get your turn.”

That was going to be so much fun.

For some reason that made Cash groan and hide his face against my neck. “I can’t decide if I want to thank you or tell you that you’re insane.”

They didn’t seem mutually exclusive to me, so I turned to Bates and gave him another Brady smile. That time innocent and happy. “He didn’t safeword, Sir.”

As Bates laughed, he snuggled even closer, running his hand over both our heads and smiling like he’d won the lottery. “You’re right. He didn’t.”

He was such a good Dom, he even knew he should ignore Cash’s drama.

“Thank you for helping me remember…well, remember something.” Yes. That was what we’d been doing. “I’ll remember it better once I can think. Everything’s still kind of floaty.”

Bates gave me one of his soft kisses and his romantic smiles. “I’m glad everything went floaty for you, my curious boy.”

That was good because I kind of liked it.

“You helped Cash be a good Dom.” But Cash didn’t seem very Dommy anymore, so I kissed his head and hugged him tight, finally realizing that my hands were free. “Hey, I can move. That’s so weird too.”

Cash giggled, still hiding as he whispered softly. “I’m glad you thought I was a good Dom.”

“You’re the best at everything. You’re the best grown-up in our family. You do the budget so good. You’re a great baker and you’re so good at loving me. Of course you’d be a good Dom.” As Cash hugged me tight, I looked up at our smiling Dom.

“I can’t wait to figure out all your ‘best of’ stuff too, but you’re the best at making us feel good and your smiles always make me feel safe. You’re really good at snuggling us and you’ve got a lot of patience.” Huh? Maybe I did know a lot of his best things. “You’re even the best at figuring out everything going on in the building. And you’re smart too. That’s going to be really useful at some point.”

Bates gave both of us head kisses, keeping them sweet and soft. “Thank you, and I can’t wait to learn all of your ‘best of’ things. But so far, you and Cashel just being yourselves is the best thing ever. You’re funny and sweet, and the past few days have changed my life.”

That was another of his bests, he was the best at changing our life. He’d given me Cash as a boyfriend and himself as our Dom and changed our whole family forever…and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next when we learned to run.

