Page 105 of Cato

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“Listen, if you wanted a spooky baby, you should have jumped me in February instead of April,” I told her.

“I jump you constantly,” she shot back, making a nurse who’d come in to bring another blanket that Rynn had requested laugh. “It’s your swimmer’s fault for being especially motivated that day,” she said, shaking her head. “I guess I have to learn to be as into Christmas as I am into Halloween,” she declared. “Why are you keeping my baby from me?” she asked. “I’m the one with stitches in her hoo-ha. I get all the baby snuggles.”

I moved over, lowering the arm of the bed, and climbing in with her, moving the baby into her arms.

“She’s perfect,” Rynn decided as she looked down at her.

She came out a chubby eight-and-a-half pounds, full of rolls and a shocking amount of dark hair.

“She is,” I agreed. “Takes after her mother,” I added.

“She better. I did all the hard work,” she said, leaning her head into me. “Though I wouldn’t mind if she got your pretty eyes. And maybe your patience. Lord knows I am lacking in that particular quality.”

“We will have to let her Uncle Eddie teach her how to cook, since neither of us are any good at that,” I said.

“And her Aunt Josie will teach her how to fall in love with books,” Rynn agreed. “Uh-oh. She’s squirmy again,” she added, shifting our daughter slightly so that she could expose her breast. “Hey, at least she gave me big tits for all the headaches she caused in utero,” she said before guiding the baby to nurse.

“One of the many good things she’s going to bring to us, I’m sure,” I agreed, unable to stop myself from reaching out and stroking my finger down her impossibly soft skin.

“Oh! I figured it out!” Rynn said, eyes round.


“Our first family Halloween costume,” she declared.

“Oh, yeah? What’s that?”

“You get to be Wesley. I’ll be Princess Buttercup. In the red dress, not the blue. And she can be an R.O.U.S!”

“The fuck is a R.O.U.S?” I asked.

“A Rodent of Unusual Size,” she said, rolling her eyes at me.

“You want our baby daughter to be a rat?” I asked, laughing.

“Oh, she won’t even know what she is. We have to do the fun stuff before she’s old enough to decide it’s not cool to do family Halloween costumes anymore.”

“Can’t argue with that,” I agreed.

“You’ll make the cutest giant rat, won’t you, Aggie?” she asked.


Short for Agatha.

A character fromHalloweentownthat I’d never seen until Rynn made me sit down and do so.

We’d gone through all sorts of names. From the more macabre—Samara, Blair, Carrie—to the niche and odd—Buffy, Sally, Bella(trix)—and finally, the slightly more tame, but still Halloween-themed—Agatha, Piper, Winnie.

But Agatha, and in particular the shortened version of Aggie, had won out.

Rynn had decided to give her a Christmas-themed middle name too.

Agatha Noel.

I knew the both of us couldn’t fucking wait to see how she was going to turn out.

Rynn - 18 years
