Page 16 of Cato

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He had Daniyal.

A man who had fucked up his own fingerprints.

One whose gaze was always moving around a room.

Some sort of ex special forces.

Clearly trained enough to get his boss out of damn near any situation in all different countries around the world.

“Yes, I am in the process of opening a sanctuary,” Zayn said, nodding.

“An animal sanctuary?” Levee clarified.

“No, my friend. One for old sports cars, so they can live out their golden years in peace,” Zayn said with a smirk. “Yes, of course, for animals. Ladies!” he said, waving a crew of gorgeous, scantily-clad women up into the VIP section.

There was no more getting personal information out of him. He was in party-mode.

It wasn’t long before the others were as well.

Sometime within an hour later, Daniyal was leading Eddie through the crush of bodies, his keen eyes looking around the club like there might be enemies hidden in plain sight.

And, I guess, in their line of business, there might be.

He sat there at the edge of the table, watching the club, sipping on a lemon-lime soda, as his employer and my brothers yucked it up.

I’d been babying a beer for the better part of half an hour when it happened.

A whip of shiny black hair.

Granted, it was a club. Hair was whipping everywhere. Of every different shade.

But there was something in my stomach that jerked at the sight. And I swear, even across a crowded bar full of headache-inducing cologne and perfume, I could smell that chocolate and coffee scent that clung to those strands and her body as a whole.

But the bodies were moving, a big mass of undulating dance movements, making it hard to pick any singular person out when the occasional light flashed over the crowd.

I kept my eyes peeled on the place I thought I’d seen her. But when the light flashed again, the woman was several yards in the other direction, walking swiftly toward the door.

Almost like she was on the run again.

But from what?

From who?

It made no sense.

As the light flashed again, though, I saw the black and gray tattoos on her arms, and I knew.

It was her.

I was up and out of my seat before the thought even formed. Out of VIP, then the club, before anyone could even think to ask me where I was going.

I had no idea.

Wherevershewas going, that was where.

It was hard to find her at first as I moved outside, finding myself oddly disoriented from the light and lack of noise.

My head was on a swivel for a solid minute before I caught that hair kicking up on the slight breeze. From the other side of the street.
