Page 44 of Cato

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“Don’t,” I pleaded, accepting the bag of popcorn she held out to me, and taking it back to the couch, where I dropped down and started eating it by the handful.

“He’s incredibly good-looking.”

“For an outlaw biker,” I admitted.

“Right. Because you aresoconcerned about people being on the right side of the law,” she said, rolling her pretty eyes. “It seems like you have been holding out on me,” she said, coming over to bring me a soda, then stubbornly standing in front of me. Waiting for an explanation.

“I fucked him a few times,” I admitted. Because, well, she was my best friend. My only friend. This was what we did. We talked about my sex life.

“Umm… no,” she said, shaking her head.

“Umm… yes. I have his handprints on my ass, if you’d like to check,” I said, watching as her cheeks went the tiniest bit pink. Josie was no prude. Not with those books she read. Some of the shit in there could makemeblush. She just blushed over everything. It was sweet. “Really, I’m not shy,” I added, playing into her blush and starting to roll a bit to my side.

“I can take your word on that, thanks. I’m not doubting you two—“

“Fucked,” I supplied for her.

“Yeah. It definitely seems like you have. But the thing is… you kept it from me. And you don’t ever keep that from me.”

“I told you! The high speed chase on the bike, remember?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t tell me you two hooked up again after that. And that kind of tells me there’s more to it than just sex.”

“Literally. It has just been sex. He only knows my name because you told him.”

“I think, if it was just sex, you would have told me about it. So I think you’re worried you might actually like this guy.”

“I don’t like that I was feeling like I couldn’t focus because all I could think about was banging him,” I said.

“Why would it be such a bad thing to be interested?”

“I don’t do relationships. I’m focusing on work. So I can retire and acquire half a dozen sugar babies to bring me margaritas and massage my feet.”

“But you’re going to show up at Turner Loop tomorrow,” Josie said. Not asked. Said. She was sure of it.

“I won’t even be awake at seven in the morning,” I reminded her.

Why then did I drag my ass to bed at ten instead of after two like I normally would?

I didn’t even let myself ponder that as I drifted off to sleep.



I’d never been in a position of trying to coax a woman into acting on her feelings for me before.

I’d never wanted to.

I couldn’t even explain to myself why I was insisting on this shit. But I wanted more. And I was going to see if she genuinely did too.

Borrowing the club’s SUV, I drove my ass down toward Turner’s Loop at the crack of dawn the next morning, not wanting to miss her if she showed up before me.

But as an hour slid to two, I was starting to think she wasn’t who I thought she was. Someone who would see this invite as a challenge, and would have too much pride to back down from it.

I was about to slide the kayak into the water to go by myself when I heard it. The crunch of footsteps.

“You’re late,” I said without turning, trying to seem casual.
