Page 73 of Cato

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“She likes ice pops too. And slushies.”

“What kind?” I asked, ready to fill her oversized freezer with everything I could get my hands on that she liked.

“You know those, like, watermelon ice pop things you could get from the ice cream man?”


“She likes those. And, if they have them, the baseball mitt ones. There is an off-brand that makes those now since I don’t think you can buy them in stores. She likes orange cream pops and ice cream sandwiches, but not the cones and not the red, white, and blue pops.”

“You’re a wealth of Rynn knowledge,” I said, feeling my lips curve up slightly.

“She doesn’t open up easily. Except about food,” Josie admitted. “As for slushies, she likes them all. But she usually mixes the fruit ones in layers. Should I come and check on her?” she asked.

“I think one person is all she can take right now, but I will text you in the morning if I think she is up for more company. She can’t really even talk much right now, so it would just be sitting in awkward silence.”

“Okay. I understand. If she asks, tell her I am taking care of Binxy and the office.”

“Oh, speaking of cats. Is there anything I should be picking up for the ones at her place?” I asked.

“She has everything on auto delivery. So if you can’t find something, it’s probably in that mound of boxes she always has piling up.”

“Okay. Thanks again, Josie. I promise I’ll update you as I know more.”

I made my way back to the convenience store, and was stocking up on just about every ice cream concoction known to mankind when my phone started to ring.



I’d forgotten about him.

“Hey, man. Where you at?”

“Fuck, man, I forgot. Something came up with Rynn. It’s… she got beat up, man,” I admitted.

“She… what? By who?” he asked, voice getting tight, pissed off. Because he liked Rynn. She was part of our world now. And also just on principle. It was hard to find someone who enjoyed women quite as much as Levee did. He took it personally when someone put their hands onanyof them.

“I don’t know the details yet. Seems to be something with her work, but she was choked out, so she can’t talk much yet.”

“Fuck, man. Okay. You need anything from me?”

“No. Not yet anyway. I will let you know when I know more, though.”

“Yeah. You know me. I’ll ride if we have a mission.”

He would, too.

Even though Levee didn’t love the high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled parts of the job as much as I did, he was ready and capable of handling any situation that came at us.

“Thanks, Lev. I’ll let you know.”

By the time I made it back to the apartment, Rynn was out of bed and in the kitchen, most of the apartment lights on, illuminating every single corner of the room. The way someone would want when some bad shit had gone down, and they suddenly found themselves jumping at shadows.

One of her black cats was standing on the counter, waiting for her to finish putting some wet food into a fancy-ass crown-shaped bowl.

The other cat was already eating out of hers.

“Hey,” I said, not wanting to startle her.
