Page 75 of Cato

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My jaw ached, reminding me I needed to relax it as my hand moved out, prodding as gently as I could around her organs, wanting to make sure they weren’t tender.

You have a lot going on in your abdomen. Liver, spleen, pancreas, bladder, your intestines themselves. All of ‘em could be injured following a hard blow to the stomach.

There wasn’t any swelling or hardness around. But I was still a little worried about the whole area. A hard kick from a shoe-clad foot of a grown man could definitely do damage.

“Any chance I could convince you to see a friend of mine tomorrow to get an ultrasound done of this?” I asked, teasing my fingers gently over the bruising.

“A friend?” she asked.

“Seeley’s girl, Ama, she’s a doctor. Runs a clinic not far away. She will see you without paperwork or questions. Just to be sure. This is the only thing we really need to worry about.”

“Just an ultrasound?”

“Maybe some bloodwork,” I added.

“Okay,” she relented, likely just as concerned about it as I was. Internal bleeding was nothing to fuck with.

“Okay. Good. I will shoot her a text, and we will probably head over before the clinic opens in the morning.”

“Okay,” she agreed, nodding, and taking her slushie over to the couch.

I quickly put the cold stuff away, then walked into the bedroom to call Ama instead of text.

“Hey, is she okay?” Ama asked.

The grapevine worked fast in our wold. Levee to Seeley, Seeley to Ama.

“I think so. But I wanted to see if I can get her in for an ultrasound of her abdomen tomorrow morning?”

“An ultrasound looking for a heartbeat, or…” she hedged.

“She’s not pregnant,” I said, shaking my head even though she couldn’t see me. “She was clearly kicked in the stomach. I just want to make sure there’s no damage.”

“Yeah, of course. I mean, if anything looks off, she will need a CT. Maybe with contrast. But we can cross that bridge if we come to it.”

“Thanks, Ama. Just one thing… she doesn’t want to talk about it. But…” I stopped, sighing hard, not sure how to phrase it.

“But you’re worried there might be other abuses she’s endured,” she said, and I was grateful for the careful way she worded that. Because I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around that possible scenario.


“Okay. I’ve been there before, Cato,” she said, voice sad. “I will see what she can tell me, but I have to remind you that I can’t tell you about that. That’s her place to decide.”

“I know. I just want to make sure she has someone to talk to if that’s the case,” I agreed, stomach twisting at the idea that she’d been put through that on top of everything else.

“I will be at the clinic at six. We open at eight. Anytime before that will be fine.”

“Great. Thanks, Ama. I really appreciate it.”

With that, I hung up, and made my way back out to the living room where Rynn was curled up with a movie on the TV.

We didn’t talk.

We watched movies.

She ate her slushie and ice cream, then we went to the bedroom. She passed out after taking an old pain pill she had in a bottle in her medical kit.

Eventually, I slept too.
