Page 57 of The Tease

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Mercifully, the waiter arrives and tells us about the specials. Perhaps, he’ll stay here the whole meal. I wish.

But no, he leaves and I’m left at the table with my boss, my father, and the man who sent me pink lace panties to replace the ones he ripped off me.

Kill me now.

Bridger tees up the next round of chitchat, asking Finn what attracted him to Streamer. My Friday night lover leans back in his chair, cool and confident, speaking in that deep, sexy voice that turns me on. “I’ve been wanting Strong Ventures to make deeper inroads in the content business, and frankly, the whole media industry has been looking for an upstart streaming network to give Webflix some serious competition. I’d like to spearhead that and make Webflix squirm. Scare them a little.” His careless, cocky shrug is hotter than I’d have expected.

But then, Finn’s confidence attracted me the night I met him as a phantom.

His determination drew me closer the night he played Gatsby.

His intensity, coupled with surprising tenderness, sent me spinning into bliss this past weekend.

Now? His tycoon attitude is making me wet.

Damn my body.

“Let them feel the competition at their heels. Breathing down their necks,” Finn continues, and holy shit, my neck is on fire. My skin blazes. “And I think a hot property likeThe Rendezvousis just the way to launch the attack.”

I shiver then adjust my glasses again in case anyone noticed the way my body reacted.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Finn’s lips curve in the barest of grins. One he erases instantly.

He noticed the effect he had on me.

Of course he did. This man always notices me. He always sees me. It’s eerie and alluring all at once.

I refuse to look in my father’s direction.

Bridger shoots Finn a satisfied smile. “Absolutely love hearing that about an Opening Number project.”

My dad clears his throat. “You must be as well, Julia. I know you’ve been keen on the show.”

He might have gotten me the intro that led to my job, but I kept it on my own. He doesn’t need to cue me to join the conversation.

“Yes, it’s been wonderful that there’s so much excitement around the show. I’ve already jumped right into some of the scheduling Tetris,” I say. That’s my special skill.

“That’s why I put Jules onThe Rendezvous. She’s a genius with logistics,” Bridger says.

“Thank you,” I say.

“Glad you’re on it,” Finn says. His gaze locks with mine, his green eyes sharp. But even in his all-business mode, those irises still make me ache between my thighs. This is definitely not like those uncomfortable intrusive sex thoughts, this is something real. I can’t stop thinking about sex with him as he sits staring across from me, especially after Friday night at his home. Nothing about these thoughts are uncomfortable, at all.

Which is another problem entirely.

“And we have big plans at Strong on how to compete with Webflix and gain new customers.” Finn pauses before he goes on. “When my brother and I devised our plan to invest, it was contingent on a clear growth strategy for Streamer. To that end, I’ll personally take an active role in the next few months in meetings with marketers, sponsors, and partners. When the show starts filming in a few weeks, my son will be off on a camping trip with his grandparents,” Finn says, and even in that brief mention of Zach, his delight and pride comes through. “So I’ll be going to Paris that first week and meeting with marketers and distribution partners myself.”

Bridger smiles. “That’s fantastic. Because I’m sending Jules to oversee the first week of shooting. Your trips should align.”

I blink.

Then swallow.

“Oh? You are?” I hope my voice didn’t squeak in shock.

“Yes. It only makes sense to have my right-hand woman there on the ground,” Bridger says.

Across the table, my father beams. He couldn’t be more thrilled with this work accomplishment of mine. “I’m glad the two of you will be able to work together. You’ll learn so much from Finn,” my father says about his best friend.
