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“Only because he wouldn’t let me,” I muttered.

“Bloodthirsty much?” Patch echoed the question he’d asked the day I’d met him.

“I didn’t kill everyone. Those little douchebags from Alyssa’s school still need to be handled.”

I tilted my head up and asked, “What’s going to happen to them?”

Garrison limited his answer to, “You won’t have to worry about seeing them ever again.”

The blood and gore didn’t gross me out, and I couldn’t care less that my evil classmates were going to die, but for some reason, my stomach turned over. Clapping my hand over my mouth, I muttered, “I’ll let you two figure out how to deal with all this.”

Garrison swatted my butt as I pulled out of his hold to head into the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I managed not to puke…that time.



At the beginning of our stay in the vacant house, I’d called Paxton and asked him to keep an eye out for a similar house within my budget. I didn’t expect to receive a voicemail from him a day later. And I was even more surprised when he informed me that the house was being short sold and the price was well below the max number I’d given him. I told him to put in an offer and request that it remained furnished. I figured Alyssa could keep what she wanted and replace the rest.

The bank was in a rush, so the day after we took care of the bastards hunting Alyssa, I’d closed on the house, and Paxton had sent a trusted locksmith to change all the locks and leave me with the keys.

I glanced at the envelope containing the sale papers and keys and smiled, excited to tell Alyssa. It had been hard to keep it a secret, especially every time I found her mooning adorably over this or that in the house.

But I’d managed to wait until the deal was done.

Since the Silver Saints had handled the dirty cops, the police department thought they’d “gone missing.” Mac had implied to the sheriff that they’d taken care of things, and he’d never asked about it again. He did demand the location of his daughter, but since we still hadn’t caught the high school idiots, Mac managed to put the sheriff off another couple of days.

I’d been planning to give Alyssa her surprise before now, but she’d been extra tired and nauseous. I’d probably worn her the fuck out and then with the stress of the incident piled on, she needed rest. Plus, she’d been sick a few times but had assured me it was just the flu. Since she didn’t have a fever, she managed to convince me to hold off on calling the doctor, insisting it would clear up in a few days.

She’d appeared to be better last night, but she’d still been restless. I was relieved she seemed to be sleeping deeply when I woke up. She didn’t stir when I climbed out of bed, or when I opened a drawer and grabbed a pair of sweatpants to pull on. She’d need food to help her body recover, so I decided to make her breakfast while she slept in.

“Good morning, sexy.”

I was mixing pancake batter at the kitchen counter when I heard Alyssa’s sleepy voice and sultry greeting. My head turned in her direction, and I licked my lips at the sight of her standing there with her mussed hair, flushed skin, and wearing one of my T-shirts that had shrunk enough to fit her like a nightgown, rather than a tent. “Morning, baby.” I set down the whisk and sauntered over to take her in my arms.

I gave her a long, lingering kiss and smiled at the dazed expression on her face when I pulled away. However, it melted away as I took in the sight of the purple hue under her eyes and the slightly glassy sheen to her eyes. “How did you sleep?” I asked as I brushed her hair away from her face. “You look tired.” She screwed her face up, and I laughed before adding, “Gorgeous, but tired.”

Alyssa sighed and leaned into me. “Yeah, I just can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep. Hopefully, now that everything is over, it will return to normal.”

“If you’re not sleeping better in a couple of days, you’re going to the doctor,” I informed her. She didn’t say anything, but she nodded, so I accepted that for now. “Hungry?”

“Not really,” she sighed. “My stomach is a little upset.”

“Will you try to eat something?” I asked softly. “For me?”

“Okay, but you aren’t always going to get away with stuff by using that voice with me.” She pretended to glare but couldn't hold it when I laughed.

I put her on a stool and walked back around the island to the counter and the pancake fixings. On the way, I pushed the envelope in her direction.

“What’s this?”

I glanced at her, my lips curved in a sly grin. “Open it.”

Grabbing up the items and tools I was using, I transferred them to the island so I could watch her.

She pulled out the sheaf of papers, then turned it over so the ring of keys fell out. Her eyes drifted up to mine, but I just winked. “Go on.”

Lifting the papers, she scanned the top document, but instead of lighting up, she frowned, her expression puzzled. “You bought a house?”
