Page 2 of Ruthless Kings

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Kai drags me behind him and I’m tempted to fight him off, but even if I did, there is nowhere to run. There are no escape routes for me because every man on this estate will have now been told about my double-crossing.

“Like father, like daughter,” Kai whispers as we reach the cold underground dungeons. And I’m shoved into the same room where they held me hostage for a few hours not that long ago.

I didn’t think I’d ever be here again. And yet, I find myself in darkness. I don’t fight, I don’t scream. My father did this to me. He’s the one who put me here. Anger bubbles up inside me and it’s about to erupt. All my life I saw him as a hero. I looked up to him, and I believed in the stories he told me.

It was my naivety that forced me here. I should have questioned more. There were no facts that my father gave, but he convinced me he was the good guy. And what daughter would discount her father’s testimony?

I jump when my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I forgot it was there, and I think Judah didn’t realise I had it on me. When I pull the device out and glance at the screen, I want to scream. My father’s number glares back at me. It’s a message, one I don’t want to open, but one I know I have to read.

078 543 56980:I’m sorry, my sweet pea. I’ll come to you. Just wait and do nothing rash. There are things at play you’re not privy to, and when I can, I’ll explain.

I don’t bother respondingbecause my anger has taken a hold and I don’t believe or trust anything my father tells me. I don’t delete the message, I leave it in the inbox and lie back on the cold, hard mattress.

In the dark, the screen is blinding, as I open the message Judah sent me weeks ago. It’s the photo he tried to distract me with when I was training with Kai. Things have certainly changed. Granted, he still wanted to kill me, only now, he had a reason to.

When I first arrived in Black Hollow, I was a pawn in a game, and now I’m the losing piece on the board. I didn’t know my father’s entire plan. He kept all the important information to himself. I only learned about the diabolical idea last night.

My thumbs hover over the screen as I look at Judah’s photo. He’s on his bed, the mirror across from him reflecting his shirtless body. I can’t deny, even now, I’m attracted to the arsehole. There isn’t any sane reason for me to be, but there’s an underlying lust-fuelled current that races through me every time he’s near.

I go back and open a new message before scrolling down to Valen’s name. He’s been my friend since I arrived, and I am hoping I can get through to him even if it means I’m about to lose my phone. Once they realise I have access to the device, it will be removed from me and I’ll be left alone in the dark once more. But I have to try.

I promised myself before I got on the flight to Black Hollow I would never stop fighting, and I don’t intend to do so now.

Me:Valen, I know you will listen to me. I didn’t know what was going to happen until last night. Please talk to Judah, make him listen because I never wanted to hurt any of you.

Before I can sayanything more, I hit send and leave it at that. I don’t want to tell them I love them. Not yet. This is the time to focus on getting out of this fucking dungeon. It’s so cold, I shiver the moment I lie back and allow my body to relax. There are so many things racing through my mind. And I’m pretty sure the one and only thought that makes sense is Judah will no doubt kill me. If he does, the blood will be on my father’s hands.

The soft vibration of my phone sends me into a mild panic. But then I see it’s Valen. I don’t want to open the message, because I’m scared he’s going to tell me he hates me. Deep down, I can live with Judah hating me because I don’t think he ever cared for me, but I had found a friendship with Val, and for him to turn his back on me would hurt far too much.

Valen:There is nothing I can do now, princess. You’re in the hands of Judah. We may all own you, but he’s still the one that’s going to marry you.

It wasn’twhat I was expecting, but at least he hasn’t told me I’m going to die. They’re all angry, and I don’t blame them. But when I have my moment to speak, I’ll explain what happened. The email from my father only told me enough to force me to obey, but I had a choice.

And if given the same fork in the road, I know which way I’ll go. They have used me as a bargaining chip for the last time. I will not be played with, or played, ever again.

I curl into a ball, bringing my knees to my chest, and I allow my eyes to flutter closed. I’m exhausted. There has been too much to think about, and as darkness steals me, a memory filters into my dreams, reminding me of why I wanted to leave London.

I don’t enjoy being here,but I have no choice since Papa is at work. When he told me I should be friends with Marco, I thought nothing of it. He was merely a boy from what I can remember of my childhood.

“Buttercup,” Marco calls me by the nickname he’s given me. “I think we should go for a drive. Perhaps we can find a quiet place away from the house.” He reaches for my face, trailing his knuckles over my cheek. It’s almost as if he’s taking in a piece of art, but his eyes hold malice that sends ice racing down my spine.

I’m not sure why he wants to leave, since my father isn’t home. But I don’t feel at ease with him anymore. Something shifted between us last night when he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away. He didn’t like rejection, and I didn’t like him.

“I’m not in the mood to go out,” I tell him as I pull away. We have snogged before, and there were times I enjoyed it. He’s not a bad-looking guy. But he doesn’t set my soul on fire, he doesn’t make my skin burn at his touch. That’s what I want, what I’ve always craved. Perhaps I’m reading far too many romance novels.

“I think you should listen to me, darling,” Marco coos, but there’s no gentle tone to his voice, instead, it’s drenched in a darkness that makes my chest tighten and my stomach recoil.

“Perhaps you should leave. I’m sure you can find someone to join you on your escapades.” When I meet his dark, stony stare, I can’t help but shiver. He’s no longer the friendly young man my father brought to the house. Over the months, he’s changed, and I know my initial gut feeling about him is true. He’s not a good person at all.

“Make no mistake, Brielle,” he whispers as he leans in close. His lips brush along my cheek, sending revulsion coursing through me. “I’ll be back. I don’t like being sent away like a child, but for now, I’ll respect your decision.”

That’s when I feel the cold metal grazing along my neck, and a gasp of shock races through me. The sharp blade kisses my flesh, and I know if I were to move just an inch, I’d be bleeding all over the steel.

“Enjoy your night, Brielle,” Marco murmurs in my ear once more. “I’ll be watching.” And then he turns to leave. When I hear the front door shut, I sag into the chair and let out a breath I’d been holding as I met his angry stare.

I’ll be watching.

The words force me to sit up in the darkness and I can’t deny, I’m shaken. I know I killed Marco, but he had allies. A man like that never walked the city alone, and when he called on the men who followed him, they obeyed. He may not have been a Boss, or even Underboss, but as a well respected Capo, he brought about a wave of obedience in the men.
