Page 26 of Ruthless Kings

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She was a strong-willed, independent woman. I knew the moment she turned sixteen I had made a good choice. She will challenge you, she will change you, make you feel. I want that for you. It’s what your mother did for me. But she’s also a soft and kind-hearted girl, which will match perfectly with your hard exterior. It’s something you got from me, and it’s something I hope you never lose.

But I will say one thing—don’t ever push her away with that rough personality of yours. I know for a fact that the match is perfect, if, and only if, you can let her in.

Be a good man, and she’ll be a Queen for you, Jude.

Rule with an iron first, and love with a soft heart.

Blood, honour, and loyalty,

Till Death,


It’s onlywhen I set the letter down do I realise I’m crying. I don’t feel these things, ever. But right now, I’m a fucking emotional mess.

Pushing off the bed, I make my way to the attached bathroom. I need to get ready, and when I do, I’m going to finally obey my father’s wishes without so much as a debate in my mind.

* * *

I never get nervous.

I don’t think about myself as a worrisome person, but waiting for Brielle to walk down that aisle has me on edge. With Kai and Valen, and my brother standing beside me, I should be at ease. The guests watch me, I can feel their eyes boring into me, but I don’t turn around because if I do, I’ll end up walking out. I can’t do that to her.

It’s been months since she first walked into our lives. I didn’t want her, but she was given to me, a gift from my father. At first, I was confused as to why he would have given me this woman, because she’s no longer a girl. The beauty who will be Mrs Venier, is a strong, intelligent woman, and I’m proud to call her ours.

When the organist starts the song, I know it’s time. I don’t want to turn around, but I can’t stop myself. My chest is tight as I glance around, and see her at the entrance to the church. Getting married on Black Hollow Isle was Brielle’s idea. I figured she’d want to go to the mainland, but when she told me how much this place has come to mean to her, I couldn’t disagree.

The whole island is mine, but I share it with Kai, Valen, and now her. We’re the ones in charge, and that’s not going to change anytime soon.

I’ve never wanted for anything in my life. Whatever I asked for, my father provided, and in his dying wish, he has given me a forever. Granted, he didn’t know about my relationship with Kai and Valen.

I don’t know what I’m doing. Walking into a married life with someone, with three someones, wasn’t part of my plan. I don’t think it’s part of anyone’s life plans, but here I am, watching the girl I love walk down the aisle.

She looks like a fucking angel.

The floor-length white dress has full skirts, and the bodice is a corset made of lace and embroidered with diamonds. With every step, Brielle shimmers like a beacon in the darkest of nights. Her long hair has been pinned up, but there are long, wavy strands which frame her delicate face. Her features are almost pixie-like as she smiles.

Her gaze flicks around the church, and she takes in every person. I’m saddened her father couldn’t be here to walk her down the aisle. I’m sure it’s every girl’s dream, but she doesn’t seem at all upset, or perturbed that she’s doing it alone.

Beside me, Kai and Valen stand with their backs straight. All three of us waiting on her. The moment she comes to a stop in front of me, she looks over my shoulder to the two men who she’s promising her life to, and then to me, the husband who will join her in this sacred ceremony.

Today is our day, and in a week, I’ll step up into my father’s role as Boss of the Venier family with her at my side.

“Are we ready?” The priest asks as we turn to face him. Brielle holds my hand, and I tangle my fingers through hers. I can’t deny it, I’m scared. Not in a bad way, but I’m nervous that something is going to go wrong. My gut churns as I silently pray that nobody will disrupt proceedings. Because that’s the last thing we need today of all days.

It’s Brielle who answers first, “We’re all ready.” It may sound like she’s talking about us, and the guests, but only the four of us knows she’s talking about the unique relationship we’re committing ourselves to.

“Then we shall begin. Welcome to all those gathered here today. It’s a momentous occasion when two people fall in love, and they agree to walk the path of holy matrimony.”



I’m aboutto get married.

As I stand across from Judah, and I watch him look at me, my heart thrums in my chest. There’s a lump in my throat that’s been there since I left him this morning. I haven’t seen him since I left him with the letter. But as he offers me a smile, I realise it must have been good for him to read it.

“If there is anyone here who thinks that this union must not take place, speak now, or forever hold your peace.” As the priest utters the words, the lump that has been choking me since this morning feels as if it’s about to take me out completely.
