Page 36 of Ruthless Kings

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We fuck, deeply, slowly, and we all seem to have the same idea in mind. We’re savouring this moment because it’s taken us out of the real world and thrown us into the depths of the shadows where we live.

My legs are shaking because I’m fighting to stop myself from coming, but I know I’m not going to last long. Kai captures Brielle’s nipple in his mouth, and I watch as he bites down as his other hand disappears between them which causes a soft moan of pleasure to once more vibrate through my dick.

“Come for us, princess,” Judah coaxes as he slams into her which only pushes her deeper onto my cock. And suddenly, we all still. Euphoria zings in my veins. My nervous system feels as if I’ve been electrocuted as I empty myself in Brielle’s mouth. She swallows back what she can, but when I slip from her mouth, it’s her and Kai who kiss, sharing the drops of seed that’s coating her mouth.

We’re hot breaths and moans as we slowly come down from a high I wasn’t expecting. When we arrived home, the last thing on my mind was sex. But this was something else. I don’t know what to call it, but it was bliss.

“You’re incredible,” I tell Brielle with a smile when she opens her eyes and looks up at me.

We move effortlessly to help her up, and I can tell she’s tired now. Exhausted by the number of orgasms, but I know she could have taken more. Perhaps one day we can try again. The four of us will more than likely be using this room more often from now on.

And when I scoop her up in my arms, she rests her head on my shoulder. We all make our way up to the main bedroom which has been created specifically with space for us. Having four people in a relationship means there needs to be a far bigger bed than usual.

The sky outside is dark as we settle into bed. Even a shower is out of the question for our girl right now. The moment her head hits the pillow, there are soft, peaceful snores coming from her.



The week has beena long one. Since Brielle’s father has now been taken care of, I noticed there’s a difference to her. She’s changed. What she did couldn’t have been easy. He’s behind bars, and he’s not getting out anytime soon.

Sighing as I sit back, I push the folders out of the way because my focus is not on anything I’ve been reading. Instead, I’m thinking about my upcoming talk with Jordan. He’s finishing school in a few months, and he has to decide what he wants to do. I would much prefer he stays on Black Hollow, but I can’t hold him back. I’m not going to be like my father. He ensured we would always be in this life, but if Jordan wants to venture out and do his own thing, I’ll respect that.

When the office door opens, my brother walks in, and I offer him a smile. He’s only a few years younger than me, and I know Dad would have been proud of him. He’ll graduate with a perfect academic record.

“Having a good day, Brother?” Jordan asks as he settles back into the chair. There’s a grin on his face, and I wonder just what he’s got planned.

“Not exactly a busy one,” I tell him. “Have you thought about what you’re going to be doing after you graduate?” I steeple my fingers under my chin, and regard my brother.

“Well,” he starts. “I’m going back to the mainland, I want to stay in Sicily for a while.” I wasn’t expecting that because he’s neverleftthe island long enough to show any inclination of living away from Black Hollow.

“And you’ll still work for me?” I throw out the question that’s been on my mind. We’re blood, and I’m not going to let him just leave the organisation completely.

Jordan nods slowly. “I’m not leaving,” he admits with a tip of his head. “Dad would roll around in his grave if I asked to be let go from the organisation. But, I want to work from the mainland for as long as I can. I’d like to train with The Agency.”

Dad put together The Agency a long time ago. They help us when we need jobs done, but I never thought about Jordan working with them.

“You’ll end up doing the dirty work,” I throw back, a chuckle vibrates in my chest.

“And I don’t do the dirty work here?” he challenges, this time with a grin of mischief. “You know what I mean.”

“You’ll start at the bottom. They’re not going to give you a top rank because of your name.”

Jordan shrugs it off as if he knew that bit of information already. “It doesn’t bother me. Dad taught us about hard work, and I’m not at all afraid of that.”

“Good. We’ll miss you here.”

“There’s another thing,” Jordan says as he leans forward, elbows on his knees. “Emilio wants to leave with me.”

I arch a brow in intrigue at this bit of information. “Oh?”

“He will talk to you, but we’ve had a discussion about moving and he showed interest in perhaps working with The Agency as well.” Jordan rests his right ankle on his left knee, and leans back to regard me.

“Then he can leave. I’m not holding anyone back,” I tell him. “I’m not going to become one of those arseholes who keeps people from finding their true potential. If you find that you’re happier with a place like The Agency, then I’ll support you.”

My brother’s happiness means everything to me. I want him to find his passion. And I want him to fall in love. I almost laugh out loud when the thought pops into my head. It’s not something I would have considered, but now that I have Brielle, things have changed. I’m even thinking about a family.

“Is that you wondering about a future for me?” Jordan asks with a sly grin on his face.
