Page 8 of Ruthless Kings

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I takeone last look at my reflection. The dress is beautiful, the soft, silky material is gentle against my skin. I made my face up with dark eyeliner that accentuates the colour, and my lips are glossy. I’ve added a dark shadow to my eyelids, giving off a smoky effect. And I’ve left my hair loose. The sleek, silken strands hang to the middle of my back. A dark curtain in case I need to hide.

I’m unsure of what to expect from this event. Growing up away from this life, I’ve not gotten used to gatherings like the guys have, and I have a feeling they will not be as protective of me as they would have been if they didn’t learn about my father’s plan.

When I think about the man who is meant to look after me, the man who raised me, I can’t stop the anger from taking over. All I ever did was look up to him. I thought he was a hero. I still haven’t gone through the folder Judah gave me on my father.

Once we’re back from this stupid party, I’ll have to do it. Instead of putting it off, I should learn who he really is. I hope there’s also information about my surgery. I quickly take my medication before I grab my purse and head out of the safety of my bedroom.

The house is silent as the low lights illuminate the old gothic building in a soft yellow glow. If it wasn’t so eerie, it would be beautiful. There is a heaviness in the air, malevolence that fills the home reminding me it’s not a normal place to live. There are dangerous people who inhabit it. Men who will kill me if tonight doesn’t go well.

I know why they’re doing it. This life is one where you have to prove your loyalty. And I have to do it, or I’ll never see my next birthday.

When I reach the top of the stairs, I find the front door ajar, and I can hear their voices. I’m not sure if Judah is outside smoking, but they’re all on the porch, waiting on me. My stomach flips, twists, and my heart rate spikes as I take the steps one at a time.

The slow descent feels as if I’m walking into a gauntlet. I’m about to be pushed outside my limits. I’m sure of it because they will not take it easy on me.

When I finally get to the door, I pull it open to find three of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen on the other side. They’re all in black tuxedos. The sharp contrast of the black and white makes their olive skin even more prominent. Breathtaking.

I wanted so badly to hate them. Even after they took me down into the dungeon earlier, I forced myself to be angry, but I couldn’t. I should have come away worse off than I did. Even though they’ll never admit it, I’m certain they showed mercy.

“I’m ready,” I finally say since nobody else is speaking.

Three sets of eyes take me in. I’m nothing more than a pawn once again. This time, it’s of my father’s doing. Kai hands me a thin, elastic holster which has a small loop added.

“Put this around your thigh, and make sure you’re able to grab this,” he says as he hands me a small knife which has a handle made of what looks like shimmering porcelain. There are thin marbled lines of gold through the white. The blade is small, but it can do damage, like he taught me.

They don’t avert their gaze when I obey him and slip the black band around my thigh, pulling it high. The slit of my dress goes all the way to my hip, so the weapon will be visible, but as long as I’m able to grab it, I don’t care.

“Am I really going to need this?” I ask as I look at each man dubiously. Even though I’ve killed before, I don’t want to make it a habit to be walking around with a weapon on me.

“I have no doubt,” Judah says, a smirk curling his lips as he regards me before turning and heading for the waiting car.

Kai walks behind me, while Valen is in front of me. I’m led to the vehicle, like a lamb to the slaughter. That’s how it feels, anyway.

Once I slip into the seat, I’m cocooned by Kai and Valen. The driver starts the engine, and soon enough, we’re on our way to the airstrip. The flight isn’t long, and I know that in a matter of hours, we’ll be on the mainland. After that, I’m not sure what’s going to happen. More so, I’m not sure I’m ready for what is about to happen.

“Tonight, you’ll listen, you’ll obey, and you’ll answer only when spoken to. Am I understood?” Judah’s voice holds authority, more so than it has before.

“Yes,” I answer with a nod.

“And if you’re offered a drink, you accept,” Kai says. “The men will want to see if you’re able to hold your own.”

“Am I going to be put on some parade there?” I bite out in frustration as my stomach somersaults at the idea of being watched. These are soon to be Bosses, they’re not going to be friendly, and they certainly won’t be kind.

“You, along with the rest of the women, will be tested many times throughout the evening,” Valen tells me, his tone softer than it was in the bedroom earlier. “You will need to pass, because if you don’t…”

He doesn’t need to finish the sentence because I know what’s about to befall me if I fail. There’s a heavy silence in the car now, I feel it right down to my bones. I didn’t expect them to talk to me, but I can’t deny the deafening quiet makes me anxious.

Judah’s gaze lands on mine for a moment before he trails that hardened glare over me. From the top of my head, he peruses every inch of me until the heat of his stare makes me tremble.

I can’t tell if he hates me or desires me. Perhaps a bit of both. I shift in my seat at the memory of the three of them taking over me. Their hands on my skin, their lips teasing and tasting. I’d never been with more than one man, and yet, the three alpha males that are currently overbearingly angry with me, have my heart. I didn’t tell them that, I don’t want them to know, not yet.

Hate had filled my heart when I first arrived. Living here wasn’t something I had chosen, but something that had been thrust upon me. And unwillingly, I caved in and allowed my feelings to take over.

Perhaps I wanted to heal them, to fix those broken parts I found of each man. I know you can never change someone. But you can love them enough till they feel as if they’re no longer shattered.

Deep down, I want nothing more than for them to forgive me. If I hadn’t let my guard down, I would never have found the peace I had within the Venier mansion. Even though Judah still frightens me somewhat, I know he’s a good person because I can see from the way he loves Valen and Kai. He may act as if he’s a cold-hearted bastard, and for the most part, I would agree with that. However, he has a softer spot for the two men.
