Page 101 of Rise After Fall

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“She’s a girl, and she’s my friend,” I reply.

They roll their eyes.

Weston plops down beside Tucker and asks for a beer.

“What are you boys talking about?” he asks.

“Uncle Morris thinks we’re little kids and that we don’t know what it means for you to have a friend who’s a girl that you like to kiss,” Caleb says.

“Is that right?”

“Yep. Why don’t you just admit you love her?” Tucker asks.

“Yeah, why don’t you?” Weston teases.

I chuck a bottle cap at him, and it pops him right between the eyes.

“Zoey is only here temporarily. She has to go back home,” I explain.

“Where’s that?” Tucker asks.


“Why does she have to go back?” Caleb asks.

“That’s where she works most of the year.”

“Is that really far away?” he asks.

“Pretty far.”

“So what? Uncle Garrett works far away, and he still told Ansley he loved her and built her that big mansion. You can get on airplanes to see each other,” Tucker says.

“Yeah, maybe if you ask her, Zoey will build you a big house and come see you when she’s not working,” Caleb suggests.

“Yeah, you boys might be onto something.” Weston throws an arm around Tucker. “Maybe Zoey will build you a mansion if you ask her to,” he says to me.

“It’s complicated, boys,” I tell them.

“I figured you’d say that,” Tucker quips.

“Why?” Weston asks him.

“Dad said the same thing about Isley. Then, he got moody and sulked around until he finally asked her to stay and she moved in,” Tucker says.

“Why do y’all want to date girls if they make you so cranky anyway?” Caleb asks.

“That’s a great question, bud,” I answer.

“How long is Zoey staying in Balsam Ridge?” Tucker asks.

“Through the ski season,” I tell them.

“How long is that?” Caleb asks.

“Another three months, hopefully,” I answer.

Tucker looks at me. “Well, that gives you time to convince her.”
