Page 73 of Rise After Fall

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“She’s asked me a dozen times what channel to DVR.”

“Speaking of dinner, I have a favor to ask.”


“Zoey’s family surprised her and came to Balsam Ridge for Thanksgiving. Langford wants to invite them to have dinner with us, but with all you lug heads getting engaged and married, we can’t all fit around Mom’s table or anyone else’s here.”

“You know I don’t care if you use my house, but I’m not the one you need to be asking.”

“I know. I just wanted to get your permission to call and ask Ansley.”

“Call her.”

“Thanks, man. Break a leg.”

I click off the line and dial Ansley’s number as I make my way to Zoey’s office.

“Take your hands off of me!”

I hear Zoey’s angry voice as I fling the door open to find her backed against the wall. A man with dark hair, wearing a cream-colored ribbed sweater, is looming over her.

“What the fuck is going on here?” I ask.

The man’s head swings around to face me.

Tobias Taut?

Zoey takes the opportunity to duck under his arm.

“Morris, isn’t it?” he asks.

I ignore him and watch Zoey as she slides clear of him. Her eyes never meet mine.

“You’re Langford Tuttle’s younger brother and quite the skier. I caught a glimpse of you on the slopes earlier,” he says as he turns to me and extends his hand.

I look down at it and back at him. “I asked a question.”

He smiles. “Zoey and I were just discussing old times.”

I look back at her. She folds her arms across her chest protectively.

“You know, your brother has built a fine operation here. I’m impressed,” Tobias continues.

“Yeah, he has. Did I interrupt an argument? Because it sounded like one.”

Zoey shakes her head.

“Just the same argument we’ve been having for years now. Me trying to convince Zoey here to get back into competitive skiing. She’s so talented, and I just want so badly for her to get back on a winner’s podium, as do her parents.”

“Zoey’s a big girl. I’m sure she can make up her own mind when it comes to her life.”

“Yes, well, that’s very true. Doesn’t mean that the people who invested so much time and money into her dreams don’t wish they could help her conquer her fears and climb back up on the proverbial horse.”

Zoey scoffs.

His eyes go to her. “So stubborn. Has been since she was a child. She’d cross her arms over her little chest and stomp her feet when she was angry or frustrated.”

“Did you need something, Morris?” Zoey asks.
