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"Hey, Ophelia," Ty's voice comes through the line, thick with concern. "I just wanted to check in and make sure you're okay."

I sigh, my fingers tightening around the phone. "Ty, we talked about this. I appreciate your concern, but you can't keep monitoring my every move. It feels like you don't trust me."

"Of course I trust you," he argues, his tone wounded. "I'm just trying to protect you, that's all."

"By smothering me?" I snap, my patience wearing thin. "You need to give me space, Ty. Otherwise…I don't know if I can be with someone who doesn't respect my boundaries."

"Please don't say that," he pleads, desperation seeping into his voice. "I'll do better, I swear. Just give me another chance."

"Ty, please just give me time.”

I hang up the phone, feeling hollow as the silence stretches out around me. The love I feel for Ty is a tempest, fierce and all-consuming, and yet the storm clouds of doubt continue to gather on the horizon.

As I gaze out the window, watching the city awaken beneath a sky painted in shades of gold and lavender, I realize that the decision I must make weighs heavily upon my shoulders. The intoxicating allure of our passion threatens to pull me under like a riptide, but I know I must resist its siren song if I am to prioritize myself.

"Ophelia," I whisper once more, steeling myself against the tumultuous emotions that swirl within me. "You have to be strong. You have to choose yourself."

It doesn't matter that I can't get the feeling of his touch out of my mind or off of my skin.

It doesn't matter that I feel like my entire body is aching to feel him inside me.

What matters is I'm doing what's right.

I think.

And with the sun rising higher in the sky, casting its brilliant light upon the path that lies before me, I vow to do whatever it takes to protect my heart – even if it means walking away from the very thing that sets it ablaze.



The dimly litgym feels like a sanctuary, the sound of weights clanging harmoniously in the background. I told Ty last week that I needed space, but here I am again, drawn back to our training sessions. We're both working out on the exercise equipment, sweat glistening on our skin as we push ourselves harder.

"Ophelia," Ty's voice is low and husky as he approaches me. "You made it."

"Couldn't stay away." I flash him a small smile, hating how easily my heart races at his presence.

Ty's piercing blue eyes linger on my curves, taking in my petite frame clad in tight workout gear. I feel a shiver run down my spine under his heated gaze, biting my lip when he grins at my response.

"Ready for another session?" He asks, moving closer to me.

"Always," I reply, maintaining eye contact. The air between us feels charged with electricity, and I gulp.

As we continue our workout, Ty offers flirtatious comments about my progress, making me blush more than once. I catch his gaze locked onto me from across the room.

Maybe this was a mistake. Every time I'm in Ty's presence, I forget all about self-preservation.

"Your form has improved so much since we started training together," Ty remarks, his voice brimming with pride.

"Thanks to you," I respond, shooting him a genuine smile. It's true—without Ty pushing me, I'd never have grown so comfortable in this environment.

"Seeing you like this..." Ty trails off, his eyes scanning my body once more, lingering on my flushed cheeks and sweaty brow. "It does something to me, Ophelia."

"Really?" My breath catches in my throat, my pulse quickening. God, how does he affect me so?

"Yeah," he replies huskily, stepping closer to me. Our bodies are inches apart, and I can feel the warmth radiating from him. My heart is pounding in my chest. The intensity of our attraction is undeniable, and part of me yearns to just give in and be in his arms again.

Ty's hand grazes against mine, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.
