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My mind races, struggling to comprehend Ty's words. My body still hums with the remnants of our passion, but my heart is a whirlwind of confusion and hurt. I try to pull away, but his grip on me tightens as our eyes lock.

"Ty," I say, my voice shaking as tears prick at the corners of my eyes, "you can't be serious. This isn't right."

Ty's face sobers, but his grip on me doesn't loosen. "I'm more serious than I've ever been, Ophelia."

"Let go of me," I demand, my voice wavering with an emotion I can't quite place – anger, hurt, or fear.

He hesitates for a moment, searching my face, before finally releasing his hold on me. I quickly disentangle myself from him and stumble off the exercise equipment, wrapping my arms around my trembling body.

"Ophelia..." he begins, but I cut him off, my voice rising in pitch and volume.

"Why, Ty? Why would you do this to me? I trusted you!" Tears stream down my face as I struggle to control the hurricane of emotions threatening to consume me. "You don't just get to claim me like some...some object!"

"Fine," Ty growls through gritted teeth, his voice cold and calculating. "You want to know why? Because I can't stand the thought of you going back to your old life, Ophelia. I wanted to make sure you would belong to me forever." His eyes lock onto mine, unapologetic and fierce.

"Belong to you?" I choke out, my chest tightening with a mix of anger and disbelief. "I am not some possession, Ty! How could you think that this was okay?"

"Because I love you!" he shouts, slamming his fist against the nearest piece of equipment, the sound echoing throughout the gym. "And I can't bear the idea of losing you."

"Love?" I scoff, rage coursing through my veins like wildfire. "This is not love, Ty. You don't get to control someone you love. You don't get to manipulate them and force them into staying with you." My hands tremble at my sides, fists clenched in an attempt to keep some semblance of control.

"Ophelia, I..." Ty trails off, his face a mix of frustration and desperation. For a moment, I see a flicker of regret in his piercing blue eyes, but it vanishes as quickly as it appeared.

"Baby, it's not like that," he tries to explain, taking a step toward me, but I back away, putting more distance between us.

"Stay away from me," I warn, my voice cracking. "Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Just leave me alone."

"Ophelia, please," he pleads, desperation etched across his face. "Just let me explain."

"Explain what? That you wanted to trap me into staying with you?" I spit out, my heart shattering into a million pieces. "You have no idea how much you've hurt me, Ty. And I don't think I can ever forgive you for that."

"Ophelia, wait!" Ty calls after me, his voice cracking with pain. But I refuse to look back. I refuse to give him any more power over me.

I turn on my heel and flee the gym, leaving Ty and the echoes of our passion behind.

As the door slams shut behind me, I let out a guttural scream, releasing all the pent-up fury and heartache that's been building inside me. How could I have been so blind? How could I have let myself fall for someone so manipulative and cruel?

"Never again," I vow to myself, my voice firm and resolute. "I won't let him control me. Cassie is right. This is toxic." With that promise etched into my heart, I stride away from the gym, leaving the shattered pieces of my relationship with Ty behind.

But if I'm doing the right thing, why is my heart breaking and my face streaming with tears?



I can't shakethe guilt from what I've done, and it gnaws at me relentlessly. Trying to impregnate Ophelia without her knowledge was a selfish act, born of my twisted obsession with her. But now, I'm determined to make amends, to prove to her that I'm capable of change and worthy of her love.

"Reservation for two under Mitchell," I say confidently to the maître d' of the fancy restaurant I've chosen for our surprise date night. It's evening, and the fading light paints the city in hues of pink and gold. I know it's a risk, but I have to try. I want nothing more than to see Ophelia happy, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

"Right this way, Mr. Mitchell," the maître d' replies, leading me through the dimly lit dining area filled with well-dressed patrons engaged in quiet conversation.

As we reach our table, I glance around the elegant space. The soft music in the background sets the perfect tone for the romantic evening I have planned. I've left no detail overlooked, even arriving early to ensure the bouquet of flowers awaiting Ophelia is picture-perfect.

"Your guest will be joining shortly?" the maître d' asks, pulling out the chair for me.

"Yes, she should be here any moment," I answer, my heart pounding in anticipation. I know Ophelia might be skeptical of my intentions, but I'm determined to win her back.

"Very well, sir. Enjoy your evening." The maître d' leaves me alone, and I nervously adjust the silverware on the table, trying to maintain my composure.
