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Is there something wrong with me that I kind of miss his obsessive behavior?

"What do you say you come over to my place?" he asks, his eyes smoldering and his voice laced with innuendo. My heart does a flip in my chest. As tempting as the idea is, I've already made plans.

"I would, but I'm meeting Cassie and Jeremy for coffee," I reply.

I see the disappointment light Ty's eyes before he smiles and quickly masks it. "No problem. I'll catch you later, beautiful."

I stand up on my tip-toes to plant a kiss on his lips. I mean for it to be a chaste peck, but Ty grabs the back of my neck and deepens the kiss. His tongue sweeps into my mouth, branding me as if to remind me of just who I belong to.

I fucking love it.

When Ty finally stops kissing me, he steps back, leaving me breathless and dazed. He gives me that sexy, crooked grin of his before we're interrupted by Cassie blowing in like a whirlwind.

"Ophelia! Girl, I've been looking for you everywhere!" Cassie's sunny voice breaks the spell as she skips up to us, her blonde hair bouncing with each step. "Jeremy's got some great news to share with us."

"Great, Cass. Can't wait to hear it" I comment as I link my arm with my best friend's and give Ty a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"You can count on it, beautiful," Ty murmurs as he strokes my cheek and looks at me in that intense way of his—like he's looking right through me and into the depths of my soul.

Cassie eyes Ty's retreating figure before turning to me. "Has he cooled it, Ophelia, or is he still acting overly alpha possessive over you?"

"Um," I stammer, not sure if I should tell her the truth.

"It's like he's everywhere I turn," Jeremy chimes in as he strides up. "When we were grabbing lunch earlier, he showed up out of nowhere. And didn't he call you, like, five times the other day when we were at the park?"

Cassie casts a knowing glance at me before cocking her head with an 'I knew it' look on her face.

"More like ten times," I confess, pulling out my phone to show them the barrage of missed calls and texts from Ty. "He is really possessive, but he's gotten better." And he has. Ten times is a lot less than Ty’s usual twenty or thirty, so he’s definitely made progress.

Cassie sighs and wraps her arm around my shoulder, her blue eyes full of concern. "Ophelia, I just want you to be happy. If you don't mind that much attention, then, I mean, kudos to you, I guess. I just don't want to see you get in over your head in a toxic situation. The line between adoration and obsession is a thin one, you know?"

I nod my head as if I do know when, in fact, I know nothing. All I know is I love Ty's attention, and the only reason I ever tried to distance myself from him was because I thought I was supposed to.

Does it matter if he's overly possessive if Ilikeit? Is there something wrong with me liking it?

These are questions I don't voice aloud to my friends, though.

"You know we're here for you no matter what, right? If you ever need to talk or if things get too much, just let us know," Cassie adds.

"Thanks, Cass," I say, touched by her unwavering support. "I appreciate it, really."

Jeremy nods in agreement, his brown eyes warm. "We've got your back, Ophelia."

As we walk toward the coffee shop, I can't help but glance back toward the direction Ty went. A pit settles in my stomach, the weight of his possessiveness bearing down on me.

All that should matter is how we feel about each other, right?

Then, why am I so worried about everything?

* * *

Sunlight filters through the coffee shop's window, casting a warm glow on the wooden table where Jeremy, Cassie, and I sit sipping our drinks. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the buttery scent of pastries, creating an oasis of comfort in the bustling city.

"Do you remember the day we first met?" I ask, looking at my two friends who've become more like family to me in recent times.

"Of course," Jeremy smiles, his eyes crinkling behind his square glasses as he takes a sip of his cappuccino. Cassie laughs and begins recounting the story of how Jeremy's unruly dog almost ran us over on the street in his exuberance.

That's when Jeremy realized he needed a dog walker to walk some of the energy out of his overanxious pup, and enter my services into his life.
