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We chat about light topics. Everything is easy and relaxed and going great until Jeremy suddenly reaches over and gently places his hand on mine. "You know we're always here for you, right?"

I go completely still, not comfortable with the feeling of another man touching me. It feels...wrong. Like only Ty should touch me. I'm sure Jeremy doesn't mean it that way, but something about it still feels off to me.

Before I can respond, though, the door to the coffee shop slams open, and Ty stalks in, his piercing blue eyes locked onto us. A chill runs down my spine, and I can feel the atmosphere shift as if a storm has rolled in.

"Ophelia!" he growls, striding across the room with purpose. My heart hammers in my chest like a caged bird desperate for escape.

"Ty, what are you doing here?" I blink in surprise. But I know. It’s apparent that Ty has never really stopped keeping tabs on me. He’s been watching me all along.

Stalking me.

"Get your hands off her!" Ty snarls, yanking Jeremy out of his chair by his collar. The sudden violence sends hot liquid splashing from our cups, staining the tablecloth like blood spatter. I watch in horror as the realization crashes over me – my friends were right all along.

"Ty, stop it! He's just being a friend!" I shout, desperation clawing at my throat.

"Is that what you call this, Ophelia?" Ty's voice drips with venom, his eyes blazing like a wildfire. "He was touching you, and only a fool wouldn't see the way the little fucker looks at you."

As Ty tightens his grip on Jeremy, I see the fear in my friend's eyes – a reflection of my own terror. A wave of nausea washes over me, and I suddenly understand that there is no turning back from this moment.

"Ty, let him go," I demand, my voice shaking but firm. "This has to stop – right now."

His eyes narrow as he hesitates, then finally releases Jeremy, who slumps back into his chair, gasping for breath. Cassie rushes to Jeremy’s side, her face pale with concern.

"Ophelia," Ty begins, but I cut him off.

"Ty, it's over," I say, tears burning behind my eyes. "I can't do this anymore. You're suffocating me with your obsession, and I need to be free."

"Ophelia, please—" he pleads, reaching for me with trembling hands.

"No, Ty." I stand up, gathering my strength like armor around my fragile heart. "I deserve better than this. We're done."

With that, I turn away from the man I love. My eyes are burning with tears, but I force myself to walk out of the coffee shop. I feel like my world has shattered into a thousand pieces, and each step I take is harder and harder until I finally fall to my knees right there in the middle of the sidewalk and sob.



I pace my empty apartment,feeling like a caged animal. The air is heavy with the weight of regret, and I can't shake off the sensation that I've lost something irreplaceable.


She's slipped through my fingers like sand.

"Damn it!" I scream as I punch a whole clean through my wall. I can't let her go. She's like a drug to me. I'm addicted.Obsessed.

And now, she's gone from my grasp. I spear my fingers through my hair and hold them there as my mind desperately tries to come to grip with my new reality.

I can't accept it. I won't.

I can't help but watch over her from the shadows, protect her from the dangers lurking in this city.

I vow to get her back one day.


Every night as I lie in bed, I masturbate to the memory of her in my arms–her soft curves pressed against me, her warm breath on my neck, the way she looked at me with those piercing green eyes.

And when I come, staining my sheets with my seed that is meant only for her, I feel hollow because it’s not enough. Nothing will ever be enough now that I know what heaven tastes like. I need her like air to breathe. I’m dying without her.
