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"Hey there," a deep voice says suddenly, causing me to nearly lose my footing.

"Whoa, easy!" the voice laughs as I steady myself. I look over to see a man with short jet-black hair, a stylish dark beard, and piercing blue eyes that seem to bore straight into my soul. "I'm Ty, one of the personal trainers here."

"Hi," I manage to croak out, my cheeks flushing. Ty has to be hands-down one of the most attractive men I’ve ever met. Not only does he have that tall, dark, handsome look down pat, but he’s ripped and shredded from all his hours at the gym.

He also has this air of danger about him. I can’t exactly put my finger on it, but it’s there. Kind of like he has that bad boy vibe that your daddy always warned you about.

"I couldn't help but notice it's your first time here," Ty says, his gaze lingering on me. "How about I give you a quick tour and show you some exercises to get started?"

"Uh, sure," I reply, my heart pounding even faster now. "That would be great."

"Perfect," he grins, helping me off the treadmill. As we walk around the gym, I can't help but feel his presence beside me — strong, confident, and undeniably attractive. It's as if my body is suddenly more aware of itself, more alive in response to his nearness.

"Ready to try some weights?" Ty asks, guiding me toward a set of dumbbells.

"Okay," I breathe out, trying to quell the butterflies in my stomach.

"Remember, I'm here to help," he reassures me, his intense gaze never leaving mine.

"Thanks," I murmur, feeling both excited and terrified of this new world unfolding before me.

My heart races as I follow Ty to the cardio section of the gym. He suggests starting with a warm-up on the treadmill, and I nod, trying to swallow my nerves. The whirring of machines fills the air, the scent of sweat and determination lingering.

"Start slow," Ty instructs, his voice deep and soothing. "I'll be right beside you."

His presence is both comforting and electrifying, sending shivers down my spine. As we jog side by side, I can't help but steal glances at him. His muscular arms flex with each stride, and beads of sweat glisten on his forehead, making me feel a heated flush spreading throughout my body.

"Feeling good?" he asks, noticing my furtive glances.

"Uh, yeah," I stammer, embarrassed at being caught staring.

"Great, let's move on to some weightlifting," he suggests, leading me over to a bench press.

I've never lifted weights before, and the mere sight of the heavy barbell sends a wave of uncertainty through me. The cold metal seems intimidating, almost mocking my inexperience.

"Sit down, and grip the bar," Ty says gently, positioning himself behind me.

His warmth envelops me as he leans closer, offering support. His hands hover near mine, ready to catch the bar in case I falter.

"Take a deep breath and lift," he encourages, his breath hot against my ear.

My muscles strain, and my mind screams in protest, but I manage to lift the bar off its resting place. Ty's eyes meet mine in the mirror, filled with pride and something deeper, something that quickens my pulse.

"Good job," he murmurs, helping me guide the bar back down.

My body trembles from the effort, but I feel invigorated, alive like never before. Maybe it's the adrenaline or maybe it's the magnetic pull between Ty and me, but I'm eager to keep pushing my limits.

"Let's try some lunges," he suggests, positioning himself beside me once more.

He demonstrates the proper form, his eyes never leaving mine, as if daring me to rise to the challenge. The attraction is palpable, an electric current running between us, but I know we're here to work out, not flirt.

I mimic his movements, feeling the burn in my thighs, as Ty offers gentle corrections and words of encouragement. Despite my initial discomfort with exercise, I find myself craving more — more of this newfound strength, more of the sweet ache in my muscles, and yes, more of Ty's intoxicating presence.

With sweat trickling down my face and my heart pounding in my chest, I finish my last set of leg presses. My muscles scream in protest, but there's a newfound sense of accomplishment that courses through me. Ty stands nearby, his attention never wavering, and I can't help but feel both flattered and intrigued by this enigmatic man.

"Whew! That was intense," I gasp, wiping the perspiration from my brow.

"Believe me, you did great for your first time," Ty replies, his voice warm and encouraging. "Your determination is impressive."
