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She's myobsession, mydesire, and I won't let her slip away.

* * *

The gym pulses with energy, a living and breathing entity that feeds off the efforts of its inhabitants. It's already our second workout session, and I've been counting down the seconds for it. A sea of sleek machines, free weights, and workout stations fill the space, creating a labyrinth of metal and sweat. The air is thick and warm on my skin as I take in the atmosphere. A hypnotic beat resonates from overhead speakers, the bass notes reverberating through my chest.

"Alright, Ophelia," I say, my voice authoritative yet tender. "We'll start with some stretching to warm up, then move on to cardio and strength training." My eyes roam over her petite frame, taking in her wavy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, green eyes wide with anticipation, and a hint of vulnerability. I can't help but feel an insatiable hunger growing within me, an obsession that demands possession and control.

I guide her through a series of stretches, our bodies mirroring each other as we reach for the sky and touch our toes. I can't tear my gaze away from her, every flex and bend only fueling my desire.

"Great job," I tell her, my heart pounding in my chest. "Now let's get your heart racing with some cardio." Fuck, how I'd like to get her heart racing.

"Okay," she nods, biting her lower lip in anticipation. Her vulnerability stirs something deep within me, a primal urge to protect and possess, to claim her asmine.

"First, we'll start with jumping jacks," I instruct, demonstrating the exercise before watching her follow suit. Her movements are hesitant at first but gradually become more fluid as we continue. I keep a close eye on her, ensuring she maintains proper form and offering words of encouragement.

"Keep it up, Ophelia. You're doing fantastic," I praise. The smile that lights up her face in response sends shivers down my spine, and I know I'm completely under her spell.

"Thanks, Ty," she breathes, her cheeks flushed from exertion. "What's next?"

"Let's hit the treadmill for a bit," I suggest, leading her to the row of machines. We jog side by side, our strides syncing as we push ourselves harder and faster. The sound of our labored breathing fills the air, mingling with the pounding bass of the music.

"Almost there," I tell her, my voice thick with desire as I imagine all the ways I could keep her close, make her mine forever. "You're incredible."

"Thank you," she replies, her eyes meeting mine for a moment before she looks away, a blush creeping across her cheeks.

As we continue to work out together, my mind races with plans, obsessing over each detail of Ophelia's life that I must uncover. I want to know everything there is to know about her. I wish I could crawl inside her mind and read every thought in that pretty little head of hers. I’d leech myself onto her side permanently if I could.


I’ve never felt this way about another human being before.

And I know I never will again.

* * *

The heat of the gym presses against my skin as we move on to the next set of exercises, forcing a bead of sweat to trickle down my temple. Ophelia's innocence is palpable, like a delicate flower just beginning to bloom. It stirs something within me, igniting that urge to protect and possess her.

Fuck, what is it about this girl that brings out all my primal instincts?

"Alright, Ophelia, let's focus on your core now," I say, guiding her to a mat laid out on the floor. "I want you to try some Russian twists."

"Russian what?" she asks with a small, amused smile. Her green eyes are wide with curiosity, and I can't help but chuckle at her innocent confusion. I love that she’s already getting more comfortable with me. Each training session brings us closer until now we share little jokes and amusements, and I’m eating up every minute of it like a stray dog starved for attention.

"Trust me, you'll feel it working your abs," I assure her. "Sit down on the mat, lean back slightly, and lift your feet off the ground. Then, twist your torso from side to side, tapping your hands on the floor next to your hips."

As she follows my instructions, I stand behind her, ready to assist if needed. My fingers itch to touch her soft skin, to feel the warmth radiating from her body. I resist the urge—for now.

"Good," I murmur, watching her movements intently. "Keep your legs elevated and engage your core. Feel those muscles working?"

She nods, her wavy brown hair bouncing with the motion. "Yeah, it's definitely not easy." Despite her words, determination flickers in her eyes, fueling my desire for her.

"Okay, now let me show you how to do a proper plank," I instruct, demonstrating the position for her. "Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders and your body is in a straight line."

Ophelia attempts the plank, but her hips are too high. Using the moment as an excuse, I gently place my hand on the small of her back, guiding her into the correct alignment. She shivers under my touch, her body responding to my fingers grazing her sweat-dampened skin.

"Perfect," I praise, my voice husky with barely concealed lust. "Hold that for thirty seconds."

As she struggles to maintain the position, I can't help but admire her perseverance. Her deep breaths and the sheen of sweat on her brow only make her more alluring. My mind swirls with thoughts of the various ways I could claim her as my own.
