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I turn and discreetly adjust my hardening cock. Fuck, it’s getting harder and harder to be around her. Pun intended.

"Great job, Ophelia," I say once the thirty seconds are up and I have my misbehaving dick somewhat under control. "I can already see improvement in your form."

"Thanks, Ty," she replies, a hint of pride in her voice. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance."

A fierce satisfaction courses through me at her words, solidifying my resolve. Ophelia will bemine, body and soul. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure she stays by my side forever.

* * *

"Keep pushing, Ophelia. You're doing great!" I encourage her as she struggles through the last few reps of a shoulder press. We've been going hard at it all week, and she grows stronger with each session. Her face is flushed with effort, and it makes my heart race to see her working so hard.

"Only two more," I add, trying to keep my voice steady. As she completes the final rep, I can't help but murmur, "Good girl."

Her cheeks turn an even deeper shade of pink at my words. Fuck, I love that she loves being called a good girl.

"Alright, Ty. What's next?" she asks, her breathless tone betraying her exertion.

"Let's move on to some lunges," I suggest, leading her to an open space in the gym. Our banter flows easily as we work through the exercise, the air between us charged with electricity.

"Remember to keep your front knee directly above your ankle, Ophelia," I instruct, unable to resist placing a hand on her hip to guide her into the correct posture. She shivers under my touch but doesn't pull away.

"Thanks, Ty," she gasps, trying to catch her breath. "This is tougher than it looks."

"Nothing worth having comes easy," I remind her, my voice laced with innuendo. "But I know you can handle it."

She flashes me a shy smile. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely," I reply, my gaze never leaving hers.

As we continue our workout, our playful exchanges grow more and more flirtatious, until it feels like we're dancing around each other, caught in our own private whirlwind of desire. The chemistry between us is undeniable, and I find myself craving her more with every passing moment.

"Last exercise for today," I announce, leading her to the leg press machine. "Your legs will thank you later."

"Or curse you," she quips, settling into position. But even as she teases me, there's a warmth in her eyes that makes my chest tighten.

"Alright," I say, trying to focus on the task at hand. "Ten reps, and then we're done for the day."

"Promise?" She bats her eyelashes, making my resolve waver.

"Promise," I confirm, grinning.

As she pushes through the final reps, her determination and strength only serve to heighten my attraction to her. I can't remember ever feeling this drawn to someone before, and it both excites and terrifies me.

"Done!" she exclaims, sliding off the machine with a triumphant smile.

"Amazing work today, Ophelia," I praise her, unable to keep the admiration out of my voice.

"Thanks to you, Ty," she replies, her green eyes shining with gratitude. "I never thought I'd enjoy working out this much."

Her words ignite a fierce protectiveness within me, and I swear to myself that I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy. And if that means suffering with a hard cock day in and day out until she’s ready, then so be it.

"Same time tomorrow?" I ask, already looking forward to our next session.

"Wouldn't miss it," she answers, her smile lighting up the room.

As she walks away, I can't help but watch her go, the image of her flushed cheeks and determined gaze burned into my memory. She may not realize it yet, but I'm not letting her go without a fight. Ophelia Stewart has captured my heart, and I'll move heaven and earth to make her mine.

