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"Beautiful day for a picnic, huh?" Erin says as we stroll through Central Park, the sun shining warmly on our faces. She's walking a step or two behind me and Carmen, and constantly scanning the park for any unusual activity or signs anyone is following us. At least, that's what she said she was doing yesterday when I asked.

"Absolutely," I agree, while Carmen starts chasing a duck walking ahead of us. "Hey, Carmen, slowly," I call out. "Personally, I can't wait to eat our snacks."

"Who wouldn't? Look at all these delicious goodies," Erin comments, eyeing the picnic basket.

"Credit goes to Gina. She's a marvel in the kitchen," I say gratefully.

"True that." Erin chuckles, nodding in agreement.

Once we find the perfect spot, we spread out a blanket under a tree and begin to unpack the snacks. Carmen happily munches on some fruit salad containing the kind of fresh fruits and berries that would cost me half a week's salary, while Erin and I chat about everything from work to yoga.

After our picnic, we head home for lunch and Carmen's afternoon nap. As I tuck her into bed, her eyes flutter closed, and I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Today has been a good day so far.

With Carmen sleeping soundly, I slip out of the apartment to attend my yoga class. The familiar studio feels like a sanctuary, and I'm grateful for the chance to clear my mind and stretch my body. As I flow through each pose, I let go of any lingering tension, feeling lighter and more centered with each movement. I realize I've been worried that my frankness with Roland would cause me to lose my job, but today things are going a lot smoother than yesterday.

"Great class, Maddie," my instructor compliments as we finish our practice. "You're making progress."

"Thank you," I reply, a warm glow spreading through me. It's moments like these that remind me why I love yoga so much–it's not just about the physical benefits, but also the mental and emotional growth.

As I return and knock on the door to the apartment, my throat feels scratchy and raw from an ill-timed cold. As Gina opens the door, I soon forget about my throat, though, as Carmen wants to play all sorts of games. It's only once we sit down to read for a while that I notice my throat again and realize I'm definitively coming down with something. Dammit, I don't have time for a cold!

A few minutes later, Roland walks into the room.

"Daddy," Carmen shouts and runs to greet him.

"Hello, sugarplum," Roland says, sweeping her up into a hug. Carmen giggles.

"You're going to read to me when I go to bed?"

"Sure will. Just put your pajamas on and I'll read to you."

Excitedly Carmen rushes over to me. "I want my jammies," she announces, and I laugh, then cough.

"You all right?" Roland asks, his brown eyes looking me over.

"Well, yes, but my throat feels funny. I think I might be coming down with something."

He nods. "Let me get you some tea and then I'll come read to Carmen. I'll be right back, baby," he says to Carmen and leaves the room.

"All right, Daddy," Carmen shouts and then continues to pull at her clothes so as to be able to get them off and put her pajamas on.

"Hey, easy girl," I tell her. "If you try to do it too fast, the clothes will just get stuck. Let's instead slow down and do it properly."

"Properly," she says, imitating me, but it comes out more like broberly, and I laugh. Together we manage to put on her pajamas before Roland returns, holding a cup of tea, as promised.

"Honey, ginger, and lemon with a touch of mint," he announces as he hands over the cup. "It's my grandmother's recipe."

My eyebrows shoot up. "Really?" Roland doesn't strike me as a man who has spent a lot of time in a kitchen.

"Yep. Spent my summers with her till she died. She had an impressive herb garden."

"Thanks," I say and take the cup, pondering what else I don't know about Roland Carmichael.

"Why don't you relax in the living room and drink that?" Roland suggests. "I'll put Carmen to sleep and come join you."

"Sure. Night, Carmen."

"Night, Maddie," Carmen replies, already in bed, arranging her stuffed animals so that they can sleep with her. "Say good night to the animals too."
