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"Yay, I'm hungry!" Carmen shouts, sleeping dolls forgotten, and Maddie and I laugh. It feels nice sharing a moment like this with someone. I reflect that I never have before. Since Carmen was born, the women I've dated have been strictly for sex. I haven't wanted to complicate my life with anything more, nor have the women I've dated. Being with Maddie will be uncharted territory for me. I can only keep my fingers crossed that I'm not making a mistake.

Chapter thirteen



As we settle into our seats, the rich aroma of chicken soup fills the kitchen, and my mouth waters. Roland's eyes carry a hint of pride as he watches Gina place the steaming bowls in front of us. Little Carmen, with her childish enthusiasm, looks delighted.

"Thank you, Gina," Roland says, showing his appreciation. Blushing, I realize he must be as famished as I am after our workout in the bedroom.

"Of course. You three enjoy your dinner. I'll see you all in the morning. I hope you feel much better tomorrow, Maddie. You sure look better than you did this morning!"

I thank her and with a warm smile and Gina takes her leave, her fiery red hair trailing behind her like a comet.

"All right, let's dig in," Roland says, and the three of us tuck into the soup. The flavors burst in my mouth, a comforting blend of tender chicken, vegetables, and fragrant herbs. I can't help but let out a satisfied sigh.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I exclaim between bites.

He chuckles, his beard masking a grin. He glances at Carmen, who's happily slurping her soup. "Carmen seems to agree."

"Yummy!" Carmen pipes up, grinning at both of us. She's an adorable reminder of the life that Roland has built. A life that, at first, I thought was shallow and cold. Well, I thought he was shallow and cold or just haughty with a bad temper. His staff, on the other hand, I liked right off the bat, and they all seemed to like him. Back then, I thought it curious that a man of his disposition would be so popular with the people he employed.

"Isn't it?" I reply, smiling at her enthusiasm. As we continue eating, my thoughts wander slightly as Maddie chatters about her visits to the zoo and the museum. The warmth that radiates from Roland makes it easy to forget that he's my boss, the billionaire (yup, I still have to pinch myself about that one) who holds my future in his hands. And now... we've crossed a line, one that could put everything I've worked for at risk.

One wrong step and I’ll have to look for another job. And the chances of finding another nanny job that pays this well? Slim.

"Everything OK, Maddie?" Roland asks, snapping me back to reality.

"Uh, yeah," I stammer, cheeks flushing. "Just thinking about how good this soup is." I force a smile, hoping he doesn't see through my lie.

"Good to hear," Roland replies, his tone light but with an underlying concern. "I asked Gina to make it, especially for you. You need something warm and nourishing for a sore throat."

"Thank you," I say softly, touched by his thoughtfulness. But as we finish our meal, I can't shake the unease that lingers beneath the surface. With every glance at Roland, I'm reminded of the connection we shared earlier–powerful, passionate, and dangerously irresistible.

"Good night, boss," Leo says, entering the room with Erin trailing behind him, waving. They both give us a warm smile before turning to leave.

"Good night, Leo, Erin," Roland replies, raising his hand in a casual wave. As they exit, Erin's replacement walks into the kitchen, greets us, and at Roland's invitation grabs a bowl of soup and heads to the living room.

Aware of the time, I quickly devour the rest of my soup, the warmth settling in my stomach. Roland follows suit, his silver hair catching the soft glow of the atmospheric lights in the kitchen (I shiver at the mere thought of what those lights cost) as he leans forward to take another bite of bread.

"Almost time to leave, isn't it?" he asks between mouthfuls, his eyes meeting mine.

"Yeah," I admit, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "I need to go soon. Damien will be getting home from basketball practice and I don't want him coming home to an empty apartment. And I have to get dinner for him and help him with his homework."

"Of course," Roland nods, understanding my concern. "Why don't you bring him some chicken soup? We have plenty left. It’ll save you from cooking on a night when you should be in bed early."

"Thank you, I appreciate it," I reply, contemplating what a one-eighty this is from a few nights ago when he came home late and didn’t seem to care. "I have to go home now, Carmen, you have a good night," I say, getting up from the table and fixing a to-go container of soup.

"Night," Carmen replies merrily, still busy dipping chunks of bread in the soup and devouring them.

"I'll be right back, baby," Roland says to Carmen as he walks me to the door. I open the door, but Roland catches me, presses me against the wall, and kisses me. When we break apart he’s smiling. "Night, Maddie," he says with a wink as I leave. I have the feeling he's getting a kick out of seeing how he manages to turn me on in about three seconds flat.

Shaking my head, I head to the elevator with a silly grin on my face. I don't know if I should be petrified or happy about what's happening with Roland.

The night air is crisp, and the moon casts a soft glow that's visible even with all of the city’s bright lights. I walk toward the subway, feeling like I'm having a surreal experience. My body is still tired and achy from the cold, yet I feel excited about what's happened with Roland.

The sex... it was so different from anything I've ever experienced. I've never been with a man as demanding. In the shower, it was different; it was calmer but in the bedroom...
