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I get pretty into one series and when I check the clock, I realize it's gone past 8:30, which is when I was expecting Damien.

I call Daniel's mom as she was supposed to pick them up again—she normally does on Mondays—but maybe she got stuck at the ER again?

"Hey, Maddie," she responds. "Please tell me you're calling to say the boys are with you?"

"Nope, I was calling to ask why you guys were running late."

"Damn," Daniel's mom, Emily, responds. "Coach just told me they never showed up for practice. I thought after the big game this weekend, maybe they wanted a night off."

"No, they aren't here. And Damien told me he was going to practice this morning. You haven't called Daniel?"

"I tried, but he doesn't answer."

"Right, let me try Damien and I'll get back to you."

We hang up and I immediately call Damien who, thankfully answers. "Hey Mads," he says, lazily.

"Damien, where are you?" I ask. I can hear music blaring in the background.

"We're... I don't know. Some party."

"You have got to tell me..." the line goes dead, and I stare at my phone. Did Damien just hang up on me? And is he drunk?

I call Emily back. "He picked up, sounded drunk, and there was music in the background."

"Oh, no. Don't tell me it's already started. They're 12! And it's a Monday."

"I don't know, Emily. It's not like our kids are usually irresponsible. It doesn't seem right they'd go to a party without telling us."

"Yeah, but when they hit a certain age. You should have seen Daniel's sister when she turned 13. I had one year of hell. But if they're drunk, or high..."

"High?" I interrupt, my voice coming out in falsetto. I hadn't even contemplated that possibility.

"Look, I don't know what's happened, but let's look at it from a positive angle, if they're at a party they're alive."

"OK," I say, knowing Emily is right. Kids get up to all sorts of stupid stuff sometimes. The important thing is that they're going to come out of it all right. But the streets of Manhattan at night for a drunken 12-year-old... I shudder.

"I'm as worried as you, Maddie, but let's try to keep it together. Daniel's sister managed to get herself into all sorts of trouble without ever really ending up in trouble if you see what I mean."

I nod. "Yeah, I hear you. Fingers crossed. Still, I wish there was something we could do."

"We can try calling their other friends' parents, I suppose."

"Good idea, let's do that."

A few phone calls later, I've established that none of Damien's friends that I know have gone missing. However, he mentioned recently that he and Daniel had started hanging out with older kids. Kids I haven't yet met. I shudder again.

I try calling Damien several times, but he doesn't pick up. Emily informs me she hasn't had any luck with any of the other parents, either.

I make myself some tea, but mostly end up pacing up and down the kitchen while sipping it. I'm checking Daniel and Damien's social media but can't find any recent posts alluding to something happening tonight.

Eventually, I sit down to meditate and pray as it's the only thing I can think to do that's somewhat productive. Perhaps it will help, perhaps it won't, but at least I'm doing something. "Please be safe," I murmur, sending a silent prayer to whatever powers may be listening. "Bring my little brother home."

I sink back onto the couch, my heart heavy with worry. The clock ticks away, each second feeling like an eternity as I wait for the phone to ring.

Chapter eighteen

