Page 12 of Guarding Her Heart

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The television is blaringsome kind of eighties cop show that I’m barely paying attention to. Instead, my mind keeps wandering to my next-door neighbor.

I should really want to stay the hell away from the woman. I just want a nice, quiet existence right now. But she’s a walking, talking disaster. Not though any fault of her own, I’d say. Just a bad choice.

But still, being around her is dangerous. She’s in trouble.

Partly, that’s my downfall. Her kind of problem is exactly what sent me running when my partner died. The pain of that horrific loss still sits heavy on my heart.

Shaking my head, I rub at my forehead. All I want is to forget it. Forget it all.

I can’t with her. She needs so much attention right now. I mean, she couldn’t even leave work without a major drama happening.

Once again, not her fault. But what can I do? This guy is nuts. If he was sane, he’d move on with his life. He’d find a new woman to harass until she got sick of it.

But he’s not. He’s fixated on Cassidy and no matter what she does, I don’t think it’s gonna matter.

So no matter what…I’m not letting this fucker win. If I have to sit by that woman’s bedroom door while she sleeps, that’s what I will do.

My eyes close and I sigh, tension finally seeping out of me. It’s been such a long time since I had a full night’s sleep thanks to nightmares. All I need is a solid eight hours sleep and I know I’ll feel more settled, less on edge. Less savage.

Although when I think about the fact that that bastard has to have touched her violently, my hands shake with the urge to throttle the asshole.

But her soft, sweet smile slips inside my mind and soothes the aches and pains that torment my soul. I don’t really know what it is about her but her smile makes my heart race and my soul lighten.

Her curvy little figure makes my dick hard as a fucking rock and that sassy mouth just begs me to fight her. Get her all riled up so that she goes off like a rocket and I can watch it happen.

I’m a sick fucker.

But I wriggle down into the seat and my chin settles on my chest, my breathing slowing as I feel the soft shroud of sleep settle over me.

“I’m telling you, Frank. I’m fine. I told him to straighten up or he had to go. He is going to a therapist and talking it out. I think that he’s pretty dang serious about changing! He wants to make our marriage work. It’s pretty shocking, really. I never would have expected him to try so hard to beat his demons.” Her eyes are shining, her smile a bright red beacon. She’s practically vibrating with the excitement of a new beginning and I can’t stop myself from smiling with her. Her joy is contagious.

Hard to believe she’s such a good detective because she’s so sweet and nice. Most of the guys are half in love with her. And the ones that aren’t think she’s a little sister. They’d do anything for her.

“I’m glad. I hope he’s not messing with you.”

She groans and punches me in the arm, growling like a little kitten trying to be a tiger. “Seriously, Frank? Try and be a little less pessimistic.”

“I am. Jeez. You okay?”

I smile at her annoyed look. “Yeah. I’m just surprised that you’re so happy about this. You know he cheated on you too.”

An annoyed look creeps into her blue eyes. “You know, I do know that. But I don’t want a divorce. I love my husband. He’s a good man. He just makes mistakes sometimes. All of us do.”

I can’t stand to hear her talk about him. She acts like her husband hung the moon but he’s just like any other abusive asshole.

But no matter what I do or say, she defends him. She probably always will.

I wave good-bye to her and head on home.

My phone rings after an hour and I answer it, taking another bite of pizza and watching the ballgame with one eye while I snag my phone with my other hand.

“Hello,” I say, chewing and swallowing roughly.

“Frank,” a soft voice says to me. “I’m so sorry. I made such a mistake.” I swear I hear a soft hiss and then the phone goes dead. Dialing Becky’s number back, the phone just rings and rings before it goes to voicemail.

I put it down and go back to watching the game and enjoying my pizza. About half an hour later, I jump when my phone rings again. This time when I pick it up, I answer it slower, like I’m expecting…well, bad news.

My eyebrows go up and it feels like the world just stops for a second. “Frank?”
