Page 17 of Guarding Her Heart

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She tastes like fucking candy.Sweet and sinful. Dangerous and sexy as hell. All my favorite things are rolled up in this one tiny damn woman and it’s tough to stand and step away from her. I want to rip my pants open and jerk my dick out, thrusting into her sweet heat until I’m dying, twisting in the insanity of the desire I have for her.

That way lies insanity. I need to get a grip.

Clearing my throat, I grunt, “You good?”

“Jesus, Franklin. You just had your lips all over my body and now you’re back to two word sentences?”

My lips try to twist up when she mutters under her breath and then sits up to grab her bottoms off the table.

“Is that all you have to say, Franklin? You good?” Her voice is snarky and her pretty pink lips twist.

“For now.”

She huffs and drops down to the floor, her fingers pulling her shorts up and over those thick thighs I was just buried between.

“I’ve got to get ready for work.” Her darkened quicksilver gaze meets mine before I look away. “I like you, Franklin. Right now I’m not sure why but I do. So if this was just playing around? Do me a favor and back off for awhile.”

Then she stomps over to the coffee machine, pops in a pod and starts the brew cycle. “I’m gonna need a helluva lot more coffee than that one cup to deal with this shit,” she mutters under her breath.

After she runs the cup, she takes a huge sip of the dark brew and muttering, slams out of the room.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. She’s a stunning woman. I want her like you wouldn’t believe. And yet I’m still fucking this up every chance I get. I need to get my head on straight, decide what exactly I want, besides this woman, and then work my ass off to get it.


Her voice comes from the hall and I answer gruffly, “Yeah?”

“I’m not gonna say thank you for the orgasm because that just sounds weird. But thank you for being so nice to me and worrying. I think that has to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

“You’re welcome, pixie. But you don’t have to thank me for any of that. I don’t want to see another woman hurt like Becky,” I groan.

She pops her head around the corner, her eyes dark with curiosity again. “Who’s Becky?”

“Dammit! I wish you didn’t have ears like a bat,” I huff.

“No! That’s not nice. Why don’t you just tell me what you want to so I can go get dressed and we can forget this whole awkward conversation.”

I glance over at the clock on the microwave. “What time do you have to be there for work?”

She grimaces. “In about ten minutes and I’m not gonna make it. So you’ll forgive me if I dart off and take a shower since you’re not going to tell me any stories today.”

Nodding my head, I watch her dart out of the room like her ass is on fire.

Sighing, I run my hand down my face and stiffen, my dick throbbing when I can smell her on me. I guess that’s going to be my own form of torture.

Being so close to the most beautiful moment of my life and then watching her stomp off, furious that once again, it seems like I’m backpedaling away from her as fast as I can.

I don’t think there’s enough space on this planet to keep me away from her though.

Not anymore. Not since I tasted her sweetness, lapped it up like a damn dog in heat.

She steps back into the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink? Or eat?”

I shake my head. I intend to go back to sleep when I get back home. No need to wake up

All I need is some time and space and hopefully this crazy shit will let up and I can just help the woman and not trail her curvy body like a dog.

She stomps out and meets me in the doorway. “Well, Frank? You ready for this?”
