Page 18 of Guarding Her Heart

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There’s that snarky tone in her voice again and my damn dick perks up like it’s a dog after a bone.

Apparently, every time she’s near me, I’m just a dog.

I love the fact that she gave me a nickname. I’ve never wanted one but this particular one I’ll wear with a badge of pride because she gave it to me. She feels comfortable enough with me even when she’s pissed. I want to get her to work where she’s relatively safe, at least for awhile, and go home and close my eyes, picture what I did to her last night. Picture the next time, this time with my dick wedged inside her lush, warm heat. I want to wrap myself in sleep and dream about her until I have to get up and go to work.

And most importantly, I want to dream that she’s mine for the rest of my damn life.



Slamminganother pan on the counter, I huff out a breath and blow my hair out of my eyes. Grabbing another baker’s cap, I wriggle it onto my head to cover my crazy hair.

“Humph!” I snort. My hair isn’t the only thing that’s crazy. Frank is driving me nuts. What the hell happened last night? He’s all over me giving me the best orgasm of my whole entire life and then he backs off so fast he might as well leave skid marks on my kitchen floor with his big-ass boots.

I was waiting to feel the head of his cock slip inside of me. I could feel it pressing against me, thick and hard and somehow I just knew that he’d leave me branded for life if he touched me with that thing.

Maybe that’s what happened. Frank’s survival instincts flipped on and he realized that I was too into him. I wanted him too much. Did he see? Does he know?

My face flushes and I slam another baking sheet on the counter, my baking not soothing my aching heart like it usually does. This is my quiet time and I usually enjoy the hell out of it. I love the feeling of creating something beautiful, something that tastes so damn good that people line up to buy it, moaning when it touches their tongues.

Like Frank moaned last night when he buried his head between my thighs. I close my eyes. I can still feel the hard touch of his fingers pushing my thighs further apart, still feel the slick warmth of his tongue licking a strip up my thigh and landing in my pussy, draining me of all of my juices like he couldn’t get enough.

My brow crinkles. I swear I smell something weird. My eyes open to black. I grunt and stumble backwards before I get my shit together and stumble my way across the room in the dark.Where the hell is that flashlight?

I finally touch the cool metal and sigh in relief. Until I hear the soft snick behind me. My breath stops, my pulse tripling instantly. Lungs burning, I hold my breath in panic, hoping that he can’t hear me.

Did I lock the damn door?Breath sawing in and out rapidly, I hold back a sob by pushing my hand into my mouth…hard. I don’t remember, dammit!

I was so pissed at Frank backing away again, it took everything in me not to smack him, just to walk away.

The familiar scent of Ash’s cologne wafts over me and I hold myself so still that it feels like my bones could crack from the tension.

My head whips around when I hear the soft scuff of a shoe to my left. Holding in a gasp, I finally move, sliding behind the baking racks. Not that it’s gonna make a bit of difference.

My head hits the back of the cold brick wall and I wince. I can’t even text Frank. If the screen comes on, he’ll know where I’m at. And I left it on the counter behind Ash.

There’s another little rush of air and scuff of sound to my right now. My eyes tear up when I realize that he knows I’m in here. He’s systematically checking every inch of the big room. It won’t take him long to find me at this rate.

I glide my fingers along the wall, shivering at the cold prickly feeling on my skin. I slowly inch my way forward, crouched down like he’ll be able to spot me immediately if I stand.

My lungs are burning with the need to take a deep breath but I keep my breaths light and quick. One deep breath and Ash will hear it. He’s on the other side of me so I can reach my phone and desperation makes me stupid. I rush out of my hiding spot and trip over my own stupid feet, going down with a hard grunt.

“Oof!” I wince and then leap to my feet, grabbing my phone off the counter and hitting redial quickly. I hope to god it’s Frank’s number.

“There you are, bitch!” Ash’s triumphant voice hits me at the same time as his hands.

Screaming, I struggle and squirm. “Let me go, dammit! Come on, Ash! Don’t be stupid!”

Cringing, I want to slap my own face.Dumb move!

I barely have time to shove my phone in my back pocket before his fist connects with my cheek and pain explodes like a lightning bolt behind my eyes. Everything goes black.

Wincing, I wake slowly.Why the hell am I so sore?It feels like my head is throbbing. My eyes flutter and I muffle a groan, lifting my hand to touch my aching face.

Panic ripples through me and my eyes fly open. Tugging impotently at my wrists behind my back, I growl under my breath.

“You’re not getting out of that zip tie, baby.” The cold, angry voice behind me makes me flinch. I can’t breathe.
