Page 19 of Guarding Her Heart

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“I warned you over and over again that we weren’t done, Cassie. Why the hell didn’t you just come back home like I asked you to instead of making me come get you. I hear him moving closer and struggle to turn on the scratchy blanket on the ancient couch under me.

“I told you we are done, Ash. You have trouble understanding simple things? Here. This is as simple as I can make it. I don’t want you. Don’t need you. And I sure as hell don’t love you. Stay the hell away from me. Find someone else to bother.”

Ash’s pretty face twists with fury and all of a sudden he’s not so pretty. I’ve seen that look time and time again. Every time he hurt me. Every time he pushed me.

“Is this about that big bastard that lives next door to you? The one that keeps popping up every time I just try to talk to you?” His smooth voice shakes with fury. “Bastard keeps interrupting our conversations. Should have killed him last night when he was sleeping against your damn door. Guys like a damn bulldog with a bone.”

“I’m listening now.” I work my hands, trying to pull out of the plastic ties but no matter how much I strain I can’t get them to move even a fraction.

“Of course you are. I had to come get you but now you’re all mine again.” There’s satisfaction rippling through his voice and I shiver at the cold intent in his ice-blue gaze. His thin lips firm. “And I’m gonna make sure that you never get away from me again.” My belly flips as icy chills chase up and down my spine.

“But first, I’m gonna have to take care of your new boyfriend.” He leans over me and I can smell the tang of beer on his breath. I know what that means. He’s always drinking and when he does, he’s never quite sane.

“He’s not my boyfriend, Ash. He doesn’t mean anything to me at all.” It’s hard to say that. My heart aches and I hope to god that Frank isn’t home. Hope that he never finds out what happened to me. Hope that that phone never fucking connected.

“You don’t need to do that, Ash. I-I really need you.” The words taste like dirt in my mouth. I don’t want him to touch me. Hate the way his rough fingers immediately skate along my skin.

“You want me, baby girl?” He leans over me, closer and closer and I hold my breath, hoping that I get a chance to hurt him the way he’s hurt me so many times. “You want me between your thighs the way that big bastard was last night,” he grits out between his teeth and his fingers grasp my hair, pulling my head back painfully.

“I’m gonna make you pay for that,baby,” he grits out between clenched teeth.

Tears sting my eyes and I pray desperately that someone knows where I am. Races in on a white horse and rescues me from this lunatic.

There’s a first time for everything.



I struggleup out of the cocoon of blankets wrapped around me after the best few hours of sleep of my life. I finally feel rested and my lips curl in relief.

My phone beeps again on the bedside table and I reach out for it absently, still wallowing in the dirty dreams that I was having about Cassie.

Sweet, soft, sassy, snarky Cassie. I love every little word that slips out of her perfect little mouth. She can bitch at me all she wants. It gets me hard as hell and I like it.

The phone beeps again and I know I have a message. I pick it up and frown when I see that it’s Cassie’s number. I dial my voicemail and put it on speaker as I stand up and crack all the stiff bones and muscles of my body.

A strange male voice comes out of the phone and my head whips around. “That fucker,” I growl under my breath. Reaching for the phone I check the time. An hour ago. How the hell did I sleep through the phone ringing?

Then my veins ice over when I hear Cassie’s voice and then a thud and she goes silent. I hear heavy breathing and a grunt and then a car running.

“Fuck!”Pulling clothes out, I sling them on so fast that I rip the seam of my shirt. One sleeve dangles slightly but I don’t bother changing it.

Grabbing my keys, I dial Gage’s phone. “Pick up, pick up,” I mutter under my breath.

“Yeah,” he growls into the phone.

“He’s got Cassie.”

“Shit!” He doesn’t ask who. Just growls. “Don’t do anything stupid. Do you know where she’s at?”

Shaking my head, I realize that he can’t see me. “No. She was in her bakery where I dropped her off and then she called while I was sleeping. I think it might have been a butt dial though. She didn’t really say much if anything. But I heard him and he sure as hell shouldn’t be near her.” My heart thumps painfully in my ears until I can’t hear a fucking thing. “Then a thud and a car starting.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he snarls. “I’ve had guys on him as much as I can but we had a car accident outside of town last night and I had to pull my guy.”

“Probably why he decided to make his move.”

“Yeah. I’ve got a tracker on her phone. Put it on as soon as she started having trouble. She knows about it and I can see where she’s at. Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”
