Page 20 of Guarding Her Heart

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“Where is she?”

“I’m not telling you that,” he scoffs. “You’ll just head over there and get yourself or her killed.”

“I was a cop, you know. I can handle myself.”

“It’s been awhile since you had to handle anything like this,” he says gently. “And you’re personally involved in this so you’re not thinking clearly.”

“I get why you’re saying that. But I want to be there. I need to be there. Need to make sure that she’s alright.”

“I get it,” Gage sighs heavily. “Fine. There’s an old warehouse outside of town. The tracker is there.”

“Got it. I know right where you’re talking about. I’m on my way.”

“Wait!” he yells. “Promise me that you’re not going to do anything stupid.”

“I will do what I need to do to keep my woman safe and I will not do anything to endanger her.”

“That will do. Be careful. This guy, Ash, is an ass. I think he’s a little crazy too.”

“I will be careful. I’ll see you there.”

Then I grab what I thought I would never touch again. Not since I gave up on being a cop.

I open my gun safe and pull it out, checking the clip and loading it, making sure the safety is on.

“I’m coming, baby girl. Don’t you worry. I’ll get you out of there.”

My car doesn’t want to start right away and I growl under my breath but after pumping it again for a minute, it finally fires up.

The tires throw a mass of rocks and stone when I slam my foot all the way to the floor.

It takes less time than I think it will and I slow, stopping when I first spot the old warehouse. Then I climb out of the car and jog lightly around until I find a window that’s not too far off the ground. Hopping up lightly, I grab the windowsill to heft myself up high enough to look inside. What I see makes my heart stop.

Cassie is passed out in the corner of the room and the asshole that took her is pacing back and forth, agitated. His eyes shift over to where she is constantly. It’s obvious that he intends to have his say as soon as she cracks an eyelid.

I drop to the ground after checking to make sure she’s still out. Not an eyelid flutters so she’s still out. I can’t think about why she’s out. That’s for when I have her back in my arms and can check every inch of her to make sure that she’s not injured.

And then I’m gonna lock her down for good. I’m not letting any other bastard get the idea that she’s free for the taking.

Prowling around the building I keep an eye out for Gage and his deputy but then I find an open door and slip inside, swearing under my breath when the door squeals shrilly. I hold my breath and wait, my feet glued to the floor.

Nothing. After another minute, I feel safe enough to slip out of the doorway and towards the outer area where I saw Cassie and her kidnapper. I hear voices when I get closer and I realize that Cassie must have awoken. I’m not close enough to hear the words yet, just a soft muttering of a male and female voices.

Then when I get close enough, I realize that their voices are harsh and Cassie sounds afraid. Rage trickles into my veins and fiery anger sizzles along my nerve endings.

My girl is terrified and I can hear it in her soft voice. That’s enough for me. Nobody is gonna hurt or humiliate or scare my girl.

I slip behind the two of them and Cassie spots me, her silver eyes going wide. I hold a finger to my lips and she doesn’t say a thing, just cringes away when that asshole stalks up to her and tries to touch her. She flinches back and that’s it for me. I growl like a fucking bear and ram the asshole in the back, then slam my elbow down into his shoulder and head.

He grunts and falls to his knees but it only takes him seconds to get up and whip around. As soon as he does, Cassie darts away from us and the stifling pressure in my chest eases. She’s safe.

I grin malevolently. “So, dickhead. We meet again. And this time I’m not going to be so nice.”

He shoots me a savage grin. “That’s good. Because neither am I.” He charges at me without warning and I grunt at the impact, slamming into the ground but rolling so that he’s under me. Slamming my fist into his fist is the most satisfying thing I’ve done in fucking years.

Pain blooms in my knuckles but I don’t give a shit. I pull my fist back again and slam it into his nose, smirking at the satisfying crunch and spray of blood.

He whines like a fucking puppy but I don’t stop. Roaring, I fling myself on top of him and pound away at him like he’s my favorite punching bag at the gym.
