Page 4 of Guarding Her Heart

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Odette grabbed a truck from a friend and we started to gather up my things from our apartment. It was actually his and he had me move in over a year ago.

My first and biggest mistake. One that I will never repeat again. No man is ever going to get under my defenses for a good long time.

I glance over at Franklin’s house. I don’t know why but something about him fascinates me. Even though I’ve barely talked to him and when I’ve seen him around town all he does is grunt, for the most part anyway.

I shake my head. I don’t need another man. Especially one like him that’s so closed off. If I ever get involved with another man, he’s gonna be fun and open. Nothing like either one of those men.

Gage eyes me and then he smiles, glancing over at Franklin’s house. “If you ever feel like something’s wrong, just call us. Franklin could also help you if you don’t think we’ll get here fast enough.”

“How do you think he can help me?” I almost want to laugh. The guy avoids everything as far as I can tell.

He frowns. “I don’t know if I should say anything about this or not. I’m not a gossip and Franklin’s a friend of mine.”

“I’m not a gossip either, Gage.”

He sighs. “If I wasn’t worried about that asshole I wouldn’t say anything but I am worried and you should be too. Anyway, don’t say anything to anyone in town but Franklin was a detective. He doesn’t like to talk about it and I’m not telling you anything more than that. Just know that if something happens and you’re in trouble, get to Franklin until we get here.”

I nod my head but my mind is spinning. The taciturn man who never wants to talk to anybody is a former detective. I can’t even imagine what he went through in that job but it must have been hard.

Gage snaps his fingers in front of my face. “Just keep it to yourself. And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk to him about it. It’s his story to tell and I shouldn’t have said anything.” He takes off his cowboy hat and slaps it on his thigh. “I hate to say anything but… well, just remember it if you need to.”

I should be worried more than I am. I should be more worried than Gage is but I keep pushing it out of my mind. I’m sure that nothing is going to happen. After all, he pulled his shit in front of the whole town. There’s no way he wants more people wondering about what he’s doing. And thinking that he’s a creep.

Ash and I both grew up around here. He was several years ahead of me in high school and I had a huge crush on him. The football quarterback with the dazzling white smile, perfect blond hair and muscles for day.

I, on the other hand, was the geeky tutor that everybody ignored unless they needed help.

It wasn’t until years later that he showed up back in town after leaving for awhile. And then for some reason he seemed dead set on me. I couldn’t resist that charming smile and the bright blue eyes.

Those same blue eyes could turn cold as the Atlantic in winter when he got pissed. Which was often.

I sighed again. I should have known that there was no way I could ever really get the quarterback.

Gage holds out his hand and shakes mine. “Promise me that you’ll be careful and come in to sign that paperwork as soon as possible.”

I nod and smile bitterly. “Yeah. I’ll be in as soon as I get a chance.”

Shaking his dark head, he says, “Sooner rather than later. I have a bad feeling about him.”

I know that I should listen to him. And I will get it filled out. But I just can’t believe that he’d do anything that bad. I mean, he lives here and knows everybody. There’s no way that he wants the whole town to know his business. He was pissed enough about everyone knowing about last month’s dust-up.

“Thanks, Gage. I’ll be in as soon as I can get away from the bakery.”

Shaking his dark head, he pops his hat back on and strides away, waving as the car pulls away.

I turn to go inside but my eyes drift back to the house next door. What kind of things has Franklin had to deal with and is that why he’s so closed off?

As I close the door behind me, Franklin’s bright blue eyes pop into my head and my breath stutters.

“You don’t need another man. You’ve got enough problems, girl. Besides that, I don’t think that guy’s interested in you at all.”

I grab some of my boxes and throw them up on the couch to start unpacking. It’s gonna be a long day and I don’t have time to worry about men, mine or not.

It’s time to get back to work.


