Page 6 of Guarding Her Heart

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Jerking back, I swear softly when I feel my cock straining wildly at my zipper.

“Let’s get you fixed up. I need to get to the store.”

I carefully patch her up, using some burn cream that she has in her first aid kit and leaving it uncovered to breathe and heal.

Then, like my ass is on fire, I run out of that place and try to forget the smoky curl of desire I saw in her silver-grey gaze.

Hiding out in my store doesn’t seem like such a hardship now. I need to get my head screwed on straight and stop thinking about that look. Her sweet curves all bundled up in her cute pink t-shirt that caresses her lush breasts and has Sweetness and Light printed in large black script across them.

Maybe if I try really hard, I can keep from glancing over at the bakery fifty times today to make sure that she’s alright.

And maybe pigs really will fly.



The entire dayis a mess of swirling emotions. I can’t banish Franklin’s light touch from my head. Hours later, I can still feel his hand on my arm, goosebumps lifting on my skin and darting all the way up to my chest, tightening my nipples into stiff points.

The bell rings and Daffy steps inside, her smile bright and wide. “Hey, Cassie! How ya doing?”

“I’m good. How are you?”

“Can’t complain.”

“How are things going with Heather and Harrison? Is she ready to start college in the fall?”

Daffy tosses her blond head back and laughs. “She’s ready but Harrison’s a mess!”

Giggling, I start on her order. She gets the same thing every time. A blueberry honey muffin with a caramelized sugar topping and a vanilla latte. I nod my head and she just grins. “You know me too well.”

“Of course I do.”

Her smile fades away. “I heard that Ash came out to your new place yesterday and you had to call the cops. Are you alright?”

“I’m good. He just got kinda bossy and wouldn’t leave.”

She sighs. “Honey, he’s not just bossy and you know it. Don’t downplay how he’s acting. It gives him leave to act even worse.”

“I’m not trying to do that. I’m just trying to get my life back. And he’s not a part of that.”

“Be sure that you’re firm on that because he’s the kind that doesn’t understand the word ‘no’.

Aggravation stiffens my spine. Once again, the problem with a small town is listening to everyone else’s advice on your problems that everyone else knows.

She hands over the card for me to scan while she takes a first bite of the muffin and swallows a big swig of her coffee.

Oh my god,” she moans. “So good. You keep making stuff like this and you’re gonna need to hire more employees.”

“Thank you.” She nods her head and waves good-bye. “Tell Heather and Harrison hello for me! I haven’t seen them in here for awhile.”

“Just working. And packing and trying to make sure that Heather has everything she might possibly need for her dorm.”

“Yeah. Life gets busy. I hope to see Heather before she leaves!”

Daffy turns as she’s heading out the door. “I’ll make sure she stops in and says good-bye! We really appreciate everything that you did for us.”

Blushing, I hang my head. “All I did was give Heather a summer job for awhile.”
