Page 76 of Loud Places

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Matty got a goofy look on his face. He always did when someone brought up his husband and their son William. They’d become his foster parents a year ago when he’d just turned four. Catherine, a social worker from Biddeford, had contacted them since Matty and Austin volunteered at one of their shelters on weekends and they’d become good friends. The little boy’s mother had disappeared and left him unattended for days until a neighbor had called the CPS. Apparently, the single mother worked as a prostitute and with no living relatives willing to take him in, the four-year-old, who hadn’t spoken a word since he was discovered, had been in a group home for three days. When Austin and Matty arrived at the home in Biddeford, the boy had caught Cassie’s attention immediately and as soon as the boy had noticed her, he’d whispered“dog,”stunning everyone.

They’d discussed having kids for a while, and when Austin’s gray eyes had found Matty’s across the room while mouthing“sweetheart?”that had been it. They’d been approved for foster care, initially on an emergency basis, but they were now in the process of adopting William, since his mother had turned up dead a month later because of a drug overdose. Catherine had assured them that they stood an excellent chance since they were married and owned their own home and business. It didn’t matter, though. In their hearts William had become theirs the moment they saw him and had been ever since.

“Yeah. Austin’s the one. There’s no one else out there for me, Eth. He’s it.” Matty’s voice came out steadfast as ever. “Some things you just know.” He hesitated, eyes lighting up with unfiltered happiness. “Like that day a baseball practice. You remember? We were only five and six, but I just knew that we would be friends. And here we are. All grown-up and you’re still my best friend. My brother.”

“Yeah, I know,” Ethan nodded.

“It’s like… You’re this constant in my life, Eth. Always have been. Whatever happens. It all comes back to you, you know?”

“Matty…” Ethan’s voice came out muffled as he swallowed audibly, his green eyes meeting Matty’s blue ones, like they’d done that day at baseball practice so many years ago.

“No, it’s true, Eth. Everything that happens… The good and the not so good. I can face it all because I know that you’ll always have my back. Just like I’ll always have yours. That’s real friendship, Eth. That’s…” Matty paused, his eyes watery as he played with a straw.

“Family,” Ethan whispered.

“Yeah. It’s family.” Matty nodded, quiet for a moment, his gaze meeting Ethan’s in silent understanding. “So, how’s work?”

“It’s good,” Ethan smiled, his face lighting up with eagerness. “Real good. I like it. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to being called Mr. Bishop, though. Half the time, I’m looking over my shoulder, expecting to see my dad,” he grinned.

“Yeah, I bet,” Matty laughed, the idea of Ethan with such a formal title still foreign to him.

“But the kids are great. Pretty amazing, actually,” Ethan spoke, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

“Lucky kids,” Matty smiled, a wistful look momentarily flashing across his face.

“Nah, I don’t know about that… I guess, I’m just as good as the next middle school history and geography teacher,” Ethan shrugged, a modest smile tugging at his lips.

“I bet you’re the best goddamn teacher those kids’ll ever have,” Matty spoke, his voice unwavering, eyes piercing blue.

“Thanks, man,” Ethan mumbled, a timid pink flush painted across his cheeks. “There’s this one kid… Liam. He reminds me of you, Matty.”

“Yeah? How?” Matty sat up, a brow raised in question.

“He’s just so… I don’t know. Curious, I guess. Easily excitable.” Ethan chuckled. “He knows all sorts of things about the most random stuff. Only last week, he entertained the class about volcanoes.”

“Volcanoes?” Intrigue skated across Matty’s face, eyes alert.

“Yeah, it was amazing. The whole class was fucking spellbound. Like with you and your goddamn ants.” Warmth spread through Matty’s chest as he imagined the boy, Liam, sharing his passion with his classmates, unafraid, in the safe environment of Ethan’s classroom. He was so fucking proud of his friend.

“So, you’re happy, then? Being a teacher,” Matty spoke, his voice gentle, a tenderness in his eyes as he looked at Ethan.

“Yeah, I’m happy,” Ethan shook a lock of auburn hair from his forehead, his eyes meeting Matty’s. “I think, I’m even happier than most.”

“Yeah, me too, Eth. Me too…” Matty sighed. “Not too shabby for two country boys outta Eden, Texas, huh?”

“Nah, I guess not… Matty?”


“I’m real happy for you, you know that, right? Proud of you. I mean, with the life that you’ve made for yourself. Because you did that. You went out and you made a fucking life for yourself. Despite everything. Despitehim.”

“Yeah, I know… Thanks, Eth.”

They fell into a comfortable silence, the rustling of the wind in the corn surrounding them, Matty tracing the flight of a bird of prey across the vastness of the sky.

And lifewasgood. For the most part it was even great. Hell, some days life was just flat out spectacular. The way the ocean breeze would just tousle Austin’s hair the right way when they were out onStella. Or how Ray would teach William how to bait a hook, his gray eyes wrinkling with pride. Or how Will would brush tears of laughter away from his eyes when Smitty told the same bad joke he’d told numerous times before. Or in April, when Matty’s mom had stayed with them for two weeks, and they’d finally talked. Really talked. And cried, too. Or when Millie made her famous rhubarb trifle and piled extra cream on the top for Matty becausehe was still too darn scrawny.Yeah, life was extra cream on the top now. And Austin stealing a kiss over the dishes while Cassie chewed on her bone in front of the TV, William snuggling up against her, Austin’s old teddy bear, Harold, firmly clasped in his chubby arms. Yeah, life was fucking spectacular when you took a step back and looked at everything you had. And right at the center, next to his heart, there was Ethan.Always, Ethan.

The End.
