Page 106 of Halligan To My Axe

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“Can she hear me?” I asked the audiologist, Kathy, who’d just put the transmitter on to my baby girl.

Saylor was ten months now and the light of my life.

She was so chubby that she had to waddle when I held onto her fingers when we practiced walking. Her black hair matched her mama’s, but unlike Adeline, she had ringlets. They covered her head from the tips of her roots to the bottom of her hair.

I was never one that liked curly hair too much, but on my little girl, it was the cutest fucking thing I’d ever seen.

“Yes, sir. As soon as I turn them on she should hear you.” Kathy said with a smile.

Saylor had her cochlear implants put in six weeks ago and today they’d be turned on for the first time.

Adeline, who was holding Saylor in her lap, reached out and clutched my hand, tears already dripping down her face.

When we’d learned in the hospital that Saylor was deaf, it was a huge blow.

Surprisingly, the one to snap me out of the dread I was feeling was Dixie. The man who always had a laugh on the tip of his tongue.

What’d he say that made me realize that Saylor being deaf wasn’t the end of the world? Something so simple, yet exactly what I needed to hear.

She’s freakin’ perfect.

And she was.

Now we were sitting here, moments away from turning the implants on, and my baby girl hearing for the first time.

“Okay, I’m turning one on in three, two, one...” Kathy smiled and pointed at Adeline.

“Saylor, I love you.” Adeline said softly.

Immediately Saylor turned to the sound of her mother’s voice...and screamed bloody murder.

Adeline was smiling, I was smiling, and Kathy was beaming.

“Saylor Rae, why are you crying?” I asked my little girl.

Saylor turned her watery, big brown eyes that could melt my heart, towards me and smiled. Instantly the tears dried, and swear to Christ, I dropped a tear or two for the first time in my life.

As we were driving home later that day, we finally got the chance to play Saylor’s favorite movie’s soundtrack on the radio, and even I got into the act, singing and dancing at the top of my lungs.

A badass biker belting out Disney songs at the top of my lungs, and not a care in the world as to who would hear.

By the time we arrived home, I knew one thing for sure.

Our life was beyond perfect. I couldn’t ask for anything more.
