Page 33 of Halligan To My Axe

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The t-shirt she was wearing had ridden up so the expanse of her back was exposed from her lower hips to shoulder level; that was when I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra.

My breath hissed in through clenched teeth, and I took a step back just in case my dick decided to leap out of my pants and find its way inside of her.

“Monty is missing again.” She said as she crawled to the other couch.

She was wearing purple panties under her shorts.

Closing my eyes, I said, “Monty’s on the top of your book shelf.”

I’d seen the snake as soon as I’d walked in, but then Adeline’s shaking ass had captured my attention.

I heard her shuffling, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her reaching on top of the bookshelf for the snake.

“Why are you looking for him?” I asked.

“I called the police a few minutes ago about some more weird smells coming from my bathroom, only these don’t smell like weed. My chemistry brain started coming up with all sorts of scenarios. Anyway, I went to knock on their door earlier to ask about the smell and they slammed the door in my face. I called the police only after the smell kept getting worse and worse. I normally keep Monty in his cage when I expect people over, just in case. He’s a slippery devil.” She explained as she walked to the large cage in the corner of the room and placed the snake back in his home.

“What kind of smells?” I asked as she turned and started towards me.

She walked slowly, as if she was waiting for something to interrupt them, and unsure of her welcome.

When she was just a hairsbreadth away, my hand reached up slowly to wrap around her neck, and I’d started to lean down when a loud boom shattered our moment.

Instinctively, my arm went around Adeline’s waist, pulling her close.

My erection, that was insistent seconds before, deflated, sending the blood that was localized in my lower body straight to my heart as my flight or fight mechanisms started firing in my blood.

The apartment underneath my feet shook, and the floor rippled.

“What the fuck was that?” She gasped, clawing at my shoulders to get closer to me.

My brain started filtering through all the possibilities, and only one thing kept coming back to me, and that was to get the hell out.

Lifting Adeline off her feet and swinging her around to my back, I waited for her to hang on tight before I started towards the cage that Monty was slithering back and forth across.

With my free hand, I grabbed the snake and ran for the door.

“Did you find a home for the cat?” I asked quickly as I opened the front door.

Why I was worried at this point I didn’t know, other than Adeline would, and that’s all that mattered.

“Yes,” she said nodding her head against my back. “My sister took her to one of her friends.”

With one look, I realized that the stairs were a no go. They were broken and mangled, making me wish I’d said something about them months ago.

And the heat was astounding.

I knew the apartment underneath of us was on fire. I just hoped the back looked a little better than the front.

Turning around, I pounded through her living room, into the kitchen, and yanked the back balcony door open.

She didn’t have a fire escape, which I’d expected. What I didn’t expect to see was a wall of fire so high that it reached the tip of the balcony and started curling over.

“Goddammit.” I growled, slamming the door closed.

“You got a window in your spare bedroom?” I growled, heading to the room.

I hadn’t actually seen that room. She’d kept it closed because of all the mice and shit she’d stolen from the lab she used to work at.
