Page 80 of Halligan To My Axe

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“We doing this in plain sight, or are we going in through the back as not to draw so much attention?”

I snorted and got off my bike. The bike’s engine ticked as it cooled down from our hard ride over from the warehouse district, making me take a second glance at it and then at the area surrounding us.

“Fifteen bikers just pulled up in downtown Benton in the middle of the afternoon. It’s safe to say we were noticed.” Silas drawled dryly. “Which was the point, wasn’t it?”

I ignored them and started to head into the funeral home. Then came to an abrupt halt when a familiar license plate that read 0SPADA0 in a handicapped parking spot near the front of the door caught my eye.

Mother. Fucker.

“That’s my folks’ car.” I told Sebastian who was directly behind me.

Oaths and curses sounded at my admission, and I ran my fingers through the short spiky strip of hair that lined the top of my head.

“It was a good plan, having The Bayou Funeral Home take care of the funeral arrangements. Never expected your parents to show at the parlor though.” Sebastian observed.

“Yeah, well they’ve fucked absolutely everything up. Why stop now?” I said as I yanked the front door open.

Loki’s plan was to call in to the funeral home and ask for them to start the never-ending process of burying my sister as an excuse to be there. Once inside, they’d take over the front, then move to the back where there was an extra 10,000 square feet of space that the fire station didn’t account for.

Each fire station had blue prints of the local businesses on file in case of a fire so that the on duty captain could plan accordingly. The Bayou Funeral Home’s plan didn’t match up, making it obvious to me and the rest of my club that they had a little extra room unaccounted for, and reason to hide it.

As a firefighter, that ticked me off. The firefighters that went into burning buildings had a right to know what they were getting themselves into; Gustavo Amadeus was a selfish prick who deserved what was about to come at him.

Just one more nail in Gustavo’s coffin.

“This doesn’t change the plan. Does it?” Silas asked as he walked around me and opened the door to the building.

Sebastian gave me a hard pound on the back as he passed, making my feet come unstuck, allowing me to follow them inside.

Trance was to come in later with Radar, who would alert Trance to the drugs, effectively signing the warrant that allowed him to search any facility, and take each and every one of Gustavo’s employees into custody. Followed shortly by searching his properties and other businesses for more evidence.

We just had to get back far enough to provide Radar the opportunity to alert, first.

Of course, nothing ever works as it should. The best-laid plans always backfire when your father’s the ultimate douche on the planet.

The first thing I observed was the sickly sweet stench of flowers as we walked into the front room.

It was elegant with deep maroon and hunter green coloring. There were sedate paintings of forests and bayous, as well as some wildlife moderately interspersed throughout. The carpet was plush and hunter green, allowing my shoes to sink into it as soon as my feet entered the room.

The desk in the front of the room was covered in fliers of the upcoming viewings happening in the next four hours, as well as a guest list. A woman, all of twenty-five at most, was dressed in a prim black pantsuit with her brown hair styled into a partial up-do that kept the fly-aways out of her face.

I knew immediately that she hadn’t worked there long. She was too sweet. Her eyes showed every single emotion she was feeling, and right at that moment, it was remorse.

She didn’t seem to care that fifteen men had entered the room wearing their Dixie Wardens cuts, or that most of them had tattoos that were very colorful. Color and language wise.

No, her eyes were trained on my father who was in the corner of the god-forsaken room crying about his ‘precious girl’ being gone.

Of course, it could’ve been genuine. However, he didn’t have the right to that anymore. Not after everything he’d done.

My mother was sitting down next to my father. Her hands were clutched tightly to her chest, and she’d clocked me as soon as I’d walked in, causing her eyes to widen. Mother’s intuition or some shit.

She wasn’t crying now, but I could tell by the deep bags underneath her eyes and the paleness to her skin that she had been.

“Ma’am?” My disgusted voice brought the woman’s attention from my parents to me, and she smiled warmly at me.

“Can I help you?” She asked me.

“Name’s Tiago Spada, I’m here to checkout some of the rooms, get some things ironed out before the viewing of my sister in a couple of days.” I told the woman.
