Page 91 of Halligan To My Axe

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When you left for boot camp my parents welcomed me back home. I’d told them I’d lost the baby. They said I could move back in if I agreed to marry my father’s business partner’s son. Not knowing what else to do, and having nowhere else to go, I did. I moved back in with them, and a month later I wed Gustavo.

I never told them that I was still pregnant, and thought that if I got married fast enough, I could just act like I was pregnant by Gustavo.

I was naïve. I didn’t think he’d figure it out. I didn’t think about you sending any presents for our baby. I was just thinking about myself. I was being selfish, and I will forever pay for that mistake.

He had his suspicions when she was born. I never said anything, but when the package arrived that you sent for our daughter, he flipped. I had to tell him then what happened. When he left, I thought it was going to be okay, but he came back drunk, and so very angry.

He killed her in a fit of rage, and told me that if I told, he would find a way to kill every single person I’d ever loved. My parents and you included. I played along with the story that it was my boyfriend who’d done it. He made up a scenario to where my new boyfriend did it, and you know the rest.

God, I’m so sorry.

Please know that I have never forgiven myself, and never will.


The piece of paper slipped from my hands and fell to the floor.

I watched it in dismay as my fear was confirmed.

That man had killed my daughter. Killed my sister. Attempted to kill my woman. What else could he take from me?

All this time I thought the rightful person was serving a life sentence after he’d killed my baby. My precious, innocent child. She never got to take her first steps. Never got to crawl. She’d be nearly sixteen right now. She’d be driving.

My heart hurt. It was like reliving the moment I’d found my child was dead all over again.

“Kettle?” Sebastian asked after the silence continued for way too long.

I looked up into the eyes of my VP, and every single doubt I was feeling earlier disappeared. In its place was cold, hard truth.

Resolve in its truest and purest form.

The man was going to pay, and I was going to make sure of it. Tonight.

I knew what I had to do.


Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman. They’re the ones that’ll kill you in your sleep.

-Kettle to Trance


2:53 P.M.

I walked into the diner and found my sister at our usual booth.

I had to laugh when I saw she was wearing nearly the same thing I was. Dark washed blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and her hair in a ponytail. The only difference was my tattooed arms compared to her tattoo free ones.

“Hey,” I said dropping into the booth. “You’re wearing the exact same outfit as me!”

She smiled at me. “Yeah? I did it on purpose.”

I snorted. Sure she did. Most likely, she just reached into her closet and removed a hanger like she always did. I made sure to match her outfits for her, and then hang them up in the closet. I was nice like that.

“Did you order for us yet?” I asked curiously.

There were no menus on the table, but I knew what I wanted by memory, so it really didn’t matter if they were there or not.
