Page 28 of Claimed By a Capo

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Even though Daniella is no longer here, I have to push forward my plans to take out Giorgio. I have gone too far in my plans to back down now. Giorgio has to go down. His empire was built on the sweat, tears, and blood of people like me. And I’ll be the first to detonate the bomb to send his structure scattering into the winds.

I visualize the plans in my mind as I wipe my face with a towel. Lodge in a hotel close to their club, watch their movements for a few days, and find out when they send out merchandise.

Pain stabs my heart as I remember the things helpless women go through at the hands of Giorgio. I grit my teeth and walk to the next room to grab my shooting range bag. The pain in my arms has subsided, and the only sting I feel is the regret of being associated with Giorgio.

The simmering pain of losing Daniella lingers in my heart too. It makes me feel antsy, restless. I squeeze my fingers into a fist and hurry into the space outside reserved for shooting practice. Maybe some target practice will help me find some clarity.

I put on hearing and eye protection and load a few magazines. The target is grey, with black markings to show levels of accuracy. In my mind’s eye, the target is Giorgio. The curve at the top is his head. I close my eyes and curl a finger around the trigger. The shot echo sounds far away as I squeeze the trigger. A hole appears in the middle of the target, the paper torn to show me how well I did. I think of blood streaming out of Giorgio’s body after I pump him full of bullets.

After shooting several rounds through the target, I clear the gun and set it aside. I step closer to inspect the holes I’ve made in the target. A smile tugs at my lips as I trace my fingers across the paper. The idea of doing this to Giorgio fills me with warmth. It’s what he deserves for every evil he has done, especially for what he put women through just to get more money. Money he doesn’t even need. He’s just wicked. There’s no other way to explain it.

I put my things and start walking back to the house, lost in thought. The beautiful view of the sky welcomes me. Daniella and I used to sit outside every once in a while, and to watch the moon together. She’d lean her head on my shoulder with her hair brushing against my face. Her lilac scent would tease my nostrils and make me feel alive. All of that’s gone now. Loneliness engulfs me, but I make myself focus on the revenge plans. I try not to think about what will happen afterward, it’s too soon for that. Things will fall into place if they’re meant to be.

The morning sun is bright and warm on my skin, but it doesn’t quell the restlessness I feel. After dropping my range bag inside the door, I take a deep breath and begin jogging on the winding road. Sweat breaks out on my forehead, dripping down my face and all the way to my neck.

My shoes thud on the ground as I run further from the cabin. The pain in my limbs returns, and I want to scream, but I hold my peace and keep running. The only image I allow to take root is that of beating Giorgio at his game. I want revenge, to pay him back inhiscoin. And I’ll do that whether Daniella is involved or not.

Finally, it seems like I have the clarity I was desperately looking for.

When I get back to the cabin, I crash on the floor, chest heaving, eyes glued on the ceiling. My body is on fire like I’ve taken multiple hits from a hammer. Sweat slicks down my face to the marble floor. The cabin is silent, save for my loud breathing and the ticking of the wall clock. Since Daniella left, the cabin no longer rings with her warm last laughter, and the pans no longer clang from her culinary adventures.

The quiet shouldn’t annoy me like it does, but it does anyway.

Angry at myself for slacking and not blocking off thoughts of Daniella, I pull myself off the ground and march to the shower. The cold water shocks my system, and when I step out, I’m ready to take on the world. To take the first steps of a battle against the animal in human form—Giorgio Bernardi. He knows I’m coming for him, but he doesn’t know when or how I’ll strike.

I pull on clothes and start to pack the things I’d accumulated since coming all the way out here. Slowly, I fill my bags with clothes and everything I brought from New York. Finally, I slip my pistol into my shoulder holster and then pull a jacket on, before starting to carry my things out to my car.

A shrill buzz from my phone forces me to straighten my back and sigh. I reach for the phone and see a text from Daniella. I read the short message and my heart nearly stops beating. My head swims. Just two words and it feels like everything has changed.

I'm pregnant.

I feel a mix of happiness and uncertainty. Daniella and I didn’t plan to have kids together, but since we didn’t use protection, I guess we were asking for it. I sigh and run a hand over my face, trying to organize my thoughts. A bird perches at my window and belts out loud chatter, making that difficult.

Finally, I manage a text back to her:Can I see now and talk? Where are you?

I drop the phone, knowing she'll show up. But what if she doesn't? Her text comes in almost immediately.

Let’s meet at the park near my place, she responds.

I’ll be there by noon. I stare at my phone not believing her news.

Filling up my car with bags feels like I’m on autopilot. I constantly told myself she didn’t want anything to do with me after this was all over, even if I’d mentioned I wanted to explore what we could be. When she became distant, I thought that was her erecting a boundary between us. But she won't have told me about the pregnancy if she was really over us.

After getting my things ready, I adjust my jacket and step into the car. I’ll get back into the city, and then I’ll find out if Daniella is willing to make this work or not.

* * *

Daniella ison sitting on a park bench, tapping her phone while glancing around suspiciously every once in a while. I step out of my car and stroll over to meet her. My hands lodge themselves in my pockets while my eyes are locked on her face. She hasn’t seen me yet. I struggle to hold back the smile threatening to stretch my face, but I have to keep my feelings in check until I know what Daniella had decided about the pregnancy.

I step out into view and she looks up at me almost immediately. As if she could sense me nearby, almost.

Her lips twitch and her eyes narrow. She looks away from me and slides her phone into her pocket. I look at her stomach now that I can see her better. It’s still flat, but in the coming months, the bump will start to show. And we will have a complication on our hands. The baby is one more person to worry about while we’re both in the middle of dangerous plans.


“Hi.” She adjusts on the bench to make space for me.

I peer down at her, taking in her sharply put together outfit. Despite the turbulent situation, she never stops looking good. She turns to face me, and our eyes meet. She holds my gaze for a long time, folding her arms across her chest and pursing her lips.

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