Page 181 of Cruel Paradise

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Kirill takes a step back. “I know this is a lot but we’re gonna have to get in damage control mode real fast. It’s bad enough we have the botched Venera launch to deal with. But a sex scandal on top of that…”

I barely hear him. How have things gone from absolutely perfect to absolute shit in a matter of seconds? How is it possible that she was able to fool me so completely?

Months. I’ve devotedmonthsof my life to this woman. I made her a part of my life. I immersed myself in hers.

I fuckingtrustedher.

The proof is in the fact that she’s here at all—in my place of solitude. The place I come to when I want to get away from everything. The place I swore no woman would ever see the inside of.

“How do you want me to handle this?” Kirill asks.

“First,Ihave to handle it.”

I snatch up the pictures and storm into the bedroom. The moment I walk in, I realize what a huge mistake I’ve made. Her scent is everywhere—honey and citrus and sweetness andlies. Now, every time I walk into this room, I’ll imagine her sprawled across my bed, one slim, bare thigh peeking out from beneath the covers.


Slowly but surely, I have to start expelling every trace of her from my world.

And it starts right fucking now.

She’s stirring when I approach. “Ruslan…?” she mumbles sleepily.

“Get up.”

Her eyes dart open and the sleep drains from her face the moment she looks at me. “Ruslan, w-what’s wrong?” Her eyelashes flutter and her cheeks flush. “Is this about last night?”

“Apparently, last night was the least of my problems.” I fling the pictures at her. She flinches back and the photographs scatter, fluttering around her like flakes of ash at the end of the world.


She picks up one of the photographs. Her eyes go wide and she pales. “Ruslan—let me explain—”

As it turns out, that’s all the explanation I need. “Get your clothes on and get thefuckout of my apartment.”

She stares at me as though she’s having a hard time recognizing me.Well, that makes two of us.“R-Ruslan…” Her voice is barely above a whisper and still, it claws at me.

I turn from her. “You’ve got two fucking minutes or I’ll throw you into that elevator ass naked.”

She scrambles off the bed. I can’t even bear to look at her. I hear a hint of a sob from behind me but I clench my jaw and dig my heels in. I was a fool to let her in so deep. I was a fool to trust her at all. I knew it was a mistake but I let myself be convinced. And for what? A sweet smile and easy pussy?

“Ruslan, please. I told you I wanted to speak to you last night—”

I whip around. “So you could come clean about your dirty deal with Remmy Jefferson?” he growls. “It’s too fucking late to make amends now, Emma.”

She’s breathing fast. “You don’t even know—”

“All I need to know is that youbetrayedme. I don’t care about the reasons.”

