Page 3 of Bladed Kiss

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There is magic everywhere inside of me.

There is magic in the tendons that hold my bones together. There is magic in my muscles and nerves.

There is even magic in the roots of my hair.

And I am forcing it all into my hands.

I do not know when I start murmuring the old purna chant. It is a chant we used to sing when the weather started changing.

It is more a prayer than anything else, except the purna have no one to pray to except ourselves.

I suppose I am praying to myself right now. I am praying that I don’t fucking collapse before I’ve defeated Callista.

I almost laugh out loud when the floor gives way completely beneath Callista, who doesn’t move quickly enough to avoid falling.

I fall to my knees, too. As I do, I remember the first time I used necromancy magic.

I remember the stares I got and the whispered insults that I, only half-purna, could wield magic as powerfully as I did.

I do laugh when Callista crawls away from the mess. With a wave of my hand, I force the high, small windows of the room to burst open so that we can let some air in.

“Sythar is going to beat your ass,” Callista says, and there is proud laughter in her voice. “You just ruined his hardwood floors!”

“He’s got the money to fix it.” I shrug. “How did your latest job go?” I ask her, changing the subject. She’s one of the best assassins here, and if I ever hope to actually get my first assignment, I know I should be taking notes from her.

That is why she helps me with training. Because while I may have magic, she is slightly physically stronger than I am and more adept at hand-to-hand combat and weaponry.

I’m catching up fast, though. I have to. I can’t use magic everywhere.

“It was good,” she says, and we start walking out of the training room. I flick my wrist, and my cape settles onto my shoulders.

“You easily could have done it, though,” she adds as an afterthought.


“This guy was an idiot. An older dark elf who just wanted an easy lay. I had to undress slightly to get him where I wanted him. You could have just winked at him, and he would’ve collapsed.”

“Oh, please,” I scoff and then burst into laughter. “You’re gorgeous, and you’re also exaggerating.”

“Can you believe we’re about to graduate?” she asks me wonderingly, and I shrug in similar disbelief.

“What are your plans after graduation?” I ask her with genuine curiosity. This isn’t something we’ve discussed too much before.

“I don’t know. Maybe Sythar will keep me on as an instructor. That feels like it would be nice.”

“Yeah, you’re a good teacher so that would suit you.”

“And your plans?”

“I have my eye on a contract that I’m going to request after graduation. There is someone I need to get even with.”

“That doesn’t sound like the best idea.” Callista’s voice is measured and gentle.

“I’m not changing my mind on this,” I reply firmly.


