Page 55 of Bladed Kiss

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Denve slumps to the ground as if all life has left his body. I swiftly check the weapons that everyone has, seeing they’ve arrived with a substantial arsenal. Ocuri steps back, wiping blood from his face with a cloth as he waves a hand.

“As fun as that was, I must be getting back to the manor. Get rid of him,” he barks.

“With pleasure, sir,” replies a guard as he unsheathes a sword.

Fuck, I need to act quickly!

The other guard pulls over a stool and rests Denve’s head over the edge, holding his neck in an exposed position as the armed guard raises his sword. To my right, a rope is wrapped around a hook.

Grabbing it, I swing down from the rafters, kicking the armed guard in the chest just seconds before his sword would have sliced Denve’s head off. My momentum causes the guard to fall back. His head hits a nearby barrel head, his eyes hazed with dizziness.

The sound of heavy footsteps come running at me from behind. I run straight, ascending the wall ahead of me and lunge jumping off of it. As I twirl around, I spot the surprised eyes of the other guard before my boot collides with his in a spinning kick.

I then dash to Denve’s side, standing over him as I brandish my dagger and unstrap the holster for my throwing knives. I glance at Ocuri as he throws his hands together, clapping in a mocking fashion.

“Impressive,” he remarks. “And most unexpected.”

“Long time no see, you bastard,” I hiss.

“Hmm, a pleasure to see you again, Salina.”

“You’re probably wishing I would say the same.”

Ocuri bursts into laughter, hooting like a madman as he wipes a tear from his eye.

“You’re snappier than I remember,” he muses. “And even more beautiful. It’s funny, I thought that by now you would have been a rotting corpse in the ground beneath the Lunar Flame Coven.”

“Same with you, you conniving son of a bitch,” I growl. “You should have been the one who died in that attack.”

“Me!” he snaps with wide eyes, as though surprised. “No, I wouldn’t die with Purna whores like your sister.”

“Shut the fuck up!”

“It’s no matter anyway,” he sighs, shrugging himself off the wall. “At least with you here, I can now take care of two loose ends.”

He steps forth, unsheathing a small sword of his own.

“I’m actually glad you survived, I always wondered what it would have been like to kill you myself.”

The other two guards stumble to their feet, angry snarls emanating from them as they brandish long swords, their tips gleaming in the moonlight. The three adversaries surround me on all sides.

“Well come on then,” I growl.

They all lunge forward but I’m too quick for them. I duck and roll forward, casting a protection spell behind me at Denve as I do so. Maneuvering between a guard’s legs, I take a few steps back as they all ready themselves once more.

There’s no way I can take all three in a straight up fight of strength but I can use this environment to my advantage.

I pull off a backflip, landing on a small platform a few feet above the others. My hands grip three throwing knives at once, hurling them forward as they make way for each of my targets. The knives hit each guard in the knee, subduing them for a moment. Ocuri deflects the knife from the air with his sword.

“You can do better than that,” chortles Ocuri.

His snickering ignites within me a rage like never before.

“I’m going to kill you for all that you’ve done to me, you motherfucker!”

“No, no, no. I’ll kill you and send you to a family reunion with your sister!”

“How could you!” I hiss, my voice breaking. “I trusted you, and you tore my heart in two.”
