Page 61 of Bladed Kiss

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“If I’m being honest, I’m nervous. I know you are too.”

Salina’s eyes meet mine. I expect rebuttal, but instead, she just shrugs her eyebrows and subtly nods.

“Whatever happens at your manor is going to change everything.”

“I know but it’s for sure only going to go one of two ways. The first is that by some miracle, it fixes all our problems. The second is that it all goes up in flames, there’s no in between. Either way, I’m ready for anything, especially since I have you by my side.”

Part of the tension in Salina’s face melts away as she smiles. She rests her hand on top of mine, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

“Know that no matter what happens today, I’m staying with you.”

“Same goes, my darling.”

The rest of the trip is silent. Not long after, the carriage pulls up to the manor. It sprawls high, donning a blue coat of pain on all sides with rows on windows sitting on each level. Marble statues of animals sit along the rooftop, looking as though they’re watching over the property.

A long, wide set of stairs run up to the front door where a zagfer servant is on standby. As the carriage comes to a halt, he begins his descent, accosting the vehicle with a confident stride. He reaches out a hand, gripping the door.

“Here we go.”

The carriage door opens. The servant gasps at the sight of me, covering his mouth as he retracts in shock.

“Hello there,” I greet.

The servant spins around on his heels and breaks off into a run, ascending the stairs as though his life depends on it. Salina’s hands shoot to her throwing knives.

“Should I kill him before he reaches the door?” she asks, a sense of urgency in her voice.

“Stay your hand, my love.” I chuckle. “Come on then.”

I step out and turn back to help Salina out of the carriage. She gazes up at the magnificent structure with wonder as we come to the bottom of the stairs.

“Some place you got,” she marvels.

She links her arm with mine. Together, we walk up as a breeze rings through the air, coming as a blessing in the immense heat of the afternoon sun. As we draw closer to the door, time itself slows down as the sound of my heart beating becomes louder.

Each pump of blood rings in my head. I feel my lungs filling to the brim with air as I breathe deeply, not noticing my grip on Salina’s hand becoming tighter. We reach the topmost step, where I snap back to reality.

“Denve, are you sure you can do this?” asks Salina.

Before I can answer, the doors burst open, my parents spilling out like water from a broken dam. My mother is suddenly on me, wailing as she envelopes me in her grip.

“Oh, Denve, I thought you were gone forever!” She sobs.

My arms remain at my side in shock and awe. My confusion worsens as my father approaches with a smile on his face. He joins in on the hug as my eyes widen. My arms slowly come to welcome their embrace.

I look at Salina who tilts her head in deep thought, just as confused as I am. My parents have never shown me affection, so this was the last thing I expected them to do upon my return.

“Mother… Father…” I whisper.

“It’s good to have you back, my son,” Father says.

“Who’s your friend?” asks Mother, directing her attention to Salina as she dashes away her tears.

“Well, um…” I mutter, still shocked. “Mother, Father, this is Salina. Salina, this is Iona and Avalon, my parents.”

“It's a pleasure,” greets Salina, shaking their hands.

“Well, this is all exciting!” says Iona. “Come on then, let’s get inside.”
