Page 67 of Bladed Kiss

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“Salina,” I begin. “To you I dedicate my life in its entirety, through good times and bad times, and everything in between.”

She looks lovingly into my eyes as she repeats the same. At this point, I’ve completely forgotten about the presence of the guests.

“Do you take each other to be lifelong mates?” asks Shonak.

“Through each and every day.”

“And everyday after death.”

“Then by the power granted unto me by The Thirteen, I declare you both mates! You may now kiss the bride!”

Our lips act as magnets, pulled towards each other as we embrace in a passionate kiss. The guests throw their hands together in a thunderous ovation, but even still I can only hear the whispers of my love in between each kiss.

“I love you.”

At that moment, a group of hired chivdouyu burst into a harmonic symphony as we make our way towards our guests. Amongst those who congratulate us, my parents embrace me in a loving hug.

“Well done,” says a tearful Iona. “You were great up there.”

“You make me proud, my son,” exclaims Avalon.

As they extend their congratulations to my bride, I spot my good friend Farzhi in the distance, the look of a party animal apparent over his face. He’s clearly in the mood to party, as am I. I’m eager to get out of here and begin a raucous celebration in my favorite tavern in town.

“Mother, Father, Salina and I will be heading into town with some of our friends to celebrate. Will you be coming with us?” I ask.

“Oh, I’m afraid not,” laughs Avalon.

“We’re far too old for a rowdy party, but do enjoy yourself, okay?”

“Will do.” I chuckle, pulling them in for another embrace. “Thank you so much, for everything.”

I grab Salina’s hand with an eager excitement suddenly filling me, whisking her away to the carriage that awaits us. It’s bigger than the average vehicle, designed for group transport of large parties.

Salina is quick to become friends with Farzhi and the others during the journey. We all sing and drink, rocking the carriage about as we dance around. The sight of her having fun puts a wide smile on my face, as does her confidence.

Soon, we arrive in town, parking outside the Elve’s Ear tavern. By now, each of us are a little tipsy, yet the celebration is only about to begin. Even the staff are thrown off by our energy, rushing to our table with rounds upon rounds of drinks and food.

Our raucousness causes the other patrons to leave, essentially giving us the whole bar to enjoy ourselves. The hours pass as the late afternoon burns into the early evening, our bellies filled with good food and hearty laughter.

“Hey,” says Farzhi, nudging my elbow. “I’ve got an idea.”

“Oh, yeah?” I ask.

“How about a drinking game?” he proposes.

“Heh, I don’t know. I’ve already had a lot, and I’m trying to pace myself,” I reply, gesturing to the six empty pints resting on the table.

“What’s the matter?” he teases. “Can’t handle your alcohol?”

“I’ll take you on!” says Salina, drawing herself up.

“You?” returns Farzhi.

“Yeah, are you afraid a girl will beat you?” she smirks.

“No!” he snaps, clicking his thumbs. “Bartender, a round of shots between the two of us please!”

Salina takes a seat opposite Farzhi, their eyes locked in an intense starting match. They only break eye contact when they take their shots. Four shots in, things aren’t looking good for either of them. I approach Salina’s side, whispering concerningly in her ear.
