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Tricia did something with my hair, while Rose reached up and pinched my cheeks.

“Ouch!” I cried out, batting her hands away. “What are you doing?”

“You need some color.”

I snarled my lip at her and turned my back.

“Didn’t you think she needed color?” I heard her asking Tricia.

“She did look a little pale,” she agreed.

Spinning around, I glared at the two of them.

Jack reached for my elbow and started to walk toward the entrance of the nightclub. It was only six thirty Vegas time, but the network had decided to start early. Vegas clubs picked up late in the evening, and plenty of viewers wouldn’t want to wait that long.

“Okay, some of the club patrons are paid actors, some are guests at the hotel who were asked if they’d like to participate. Like we talked about on the plane, you’ll do the intro for the date, then Paul and Louie, as well as another camera crew, will be in the club with Hunter and the girls. We’ve rented a suite for a staging area of sorts, and we’ve got a Truth Booth set up in there for Hunter. No one will be swiped on tonight.”

He turned to Hunter, who’d been walking behind us. “Got that? No swipes on the group date.”

Hunter frowned, then asked, “Why not?”

“Travis doesn’t want any swipes from you on group dates.”

With a shake of his head, Hunter replied, “What Travis wants…”

Jack paused for a moment as if he was going to reply to Hunter’s comment, but he let it go.

Hunter sighed as he asked, “Do I go in now?”

Jack nodded. “Yes, the girls are already in there, and there’s someone who’s firing up the crowd to get them ready. I need you to try to loosen up before we go live.”

Hunter gave a slight nod, then turned to walk into the nightclub.

“Hunter,” Travis called out.


With a smile that only one dude would give to another dude, he said, “Have fun tonight.”

Hunter’s eyes snapped over to me, and he stared for what felt like way too long before he looked back at Travis and simply said, “I will.”

Once he was through the door, Jack gave me a once-over. “I’d like for you to wear something else.”

I glanced down at my jeans, high heels, and sweater. “What’s wrong with what I have on? Winnie and I decided on it yesterday.”

Rose folded her arms over her chest. “What are you up to? Why did you wait until the last minute to have her change?”

Jack ignored Rose as I looked between the two of them, confused. “What?”

Rose turned to me. “I brought a dress for you.”

“Winnie!” Jack called out.

As if she’d been floating nearby waiting for his call, Winnie appeared in front of me with one of the bags Rose had brought to Vegas. “Come on. There’s a bathroom we can use.”

“What’s wrong with what I have on?” I demanded. Turning to Rose, I asked, “What dress?”

As Winnie pulled me toward a public bathroom, I heard Rose ask Jack, “What game are you playing at? You didn’t want Hunter to see her in that dress, did you?”
