Page 35 of Our Sweet Revenge

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“Does that make me an Oompa Loompa?”

We both burst out laughing and couldn’t stop for a long minute.

My phone suddenly rang, and our laughter died down. I reached for my phone and watched in nervousness as Chris’s number blinked on my screen.

“I think he’s going to bail on us,” Anthony said, sounding like he was hoping for that outcome.

“One way to find out.” I picked up the call. “Hi.”

“Man, I left the office right on time.” He was speaking through his car’s speaker. “It’s going to rain like crazy soon.”

“Yeah, seems like it. So… are you on your way?”

“Well, yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“No reason. I’m already here with Ant.”

“Cool,” he said, but his voice indicated otherwise. “Is he okay? I mean, does he seem okay?”

I watched Anthony as he was chewing on his lower lip. “He’s good,” I said. “Looking forward to seeing you.”

“Really? I mean, yeah, that’s good. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

“We’ll be here with the booze and snacks.”

“Did you get the Lays I like?”

“Yep. Sour cream and onion.”

“You’re the best. See you soon.”

He hung up, and I wondered if I’d ever hear him sayyou’re the bestto me again.

“Well?” Anthony said.

“He’ll be here soon.”

He got up and looked around. “I need to distract myself.”

“We can set up the poker table. For three people, though.”


My phone rang again before I got a chance to get up from the couch. This time it was Jay. “Hi,” I said. “We’re already here, waiting for Chris.”

“You sure he’s coming?”

“I talked to him a minute ago.”

“Good. Very good.”

“Where are you?”

“About to head out. I’ll be there in a couple of hours, maybe more with this shitty weather.”

“Drive safely.”
