Page 46 of Our Sweet Revenge

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“There’s not much left, but—shit!”

Instead of grabbing the bottle, Jay hit it with his hand and caused it to tumble on the ground and smash on the floor.

“Don’t move, you’re barefoot,” I told Anthony and hurried to bring a broom and a dustpan.

“Sorry, man,” Jay said.

“It’s fine. Ethan will save me.”

I got back and was glad to see the bottle didn’t break too much, and barely any alcohol got spilled. I swept the pieces of glass into the dustpan, and Chris pointed at some pieces under the table I missed. Once I was done, I went to throw the pieces into the trashcan in the kitchen and brought back a paper towel to dry the spilled beer. I found myself crouching close to Chris’s legs and his full nakedness. I was tempted to have a peek, but we were minutes away from leaving the crazy behind, so there was no point risking it.

“E, do the windows next,” Jay said.

“Are you planning on breaking them too?”

He chuckled. “I deserve that.”

I straightened and went to throw the wet paper towel in the kitchen.

“Can we continue?” Chris asked eagerly as I got back.

I sat back in my seat and glanced at Jay, realizing something had changed in his demeanor. The way he was sitting radiated confidence.

Well, shit.

“I’m ready,” he said. “Show me what you’ve got.”

Chris slowly lowered his cards. I leaned forward and Anthony did the same.

“Four of a kind,” Anthony said. “Damn.”

Chris drummed on the table and told Jay, “Go on. Let’s see yours. Don’t be shy now.”

Jay let out a deep breath. “Fuck me, that’s a strong hand.”

“Damn right it is.” Chris stopped drumming. “This ain’t my first rodeo. Can I get my clothes back?”

Jay put down his cards. “Nah, you ain’t getting them back anytime soon.”

“Shit,” Anthony said as we were all looking at a straight flush.

Chris lost.


“You’ve cheated,” Chris said, his face pale.

Jay rolled his eyes. “Is this how you lawyers handle losing?”

“What are the chances of you having a straight flush?”

“Slightly better than you having four of a kind.”

Chris clapped his lips tight. The look of distress was back, stronger than before.

I turned to Jay. “Listen—”

He raised his hand to shut me up, his eyes locked with Chris. “We had a bet going,” he said. “The rules were clear, and you know all about rules. Now, are you going to hold to your end of the bargain?”
