Page 11 of Old School Love

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I swipe at my eyes, cursing my weakness even as the dam inside me breaks.

I’m so sorry, my love. Sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you, all the loneliness and heartache. You deserved so much better from me. I don’t deserve your forgiveness… but I’m begging for another chance. A chance to make things right and give you the love and devotion you always deserved.

To hold you in my arms again. To wake up with you each morning and drift off to sleep with you each night. I want forever with you, Maya, the way we always dreamed it would be.

I’m yours, heart and soul, for as long as we both shall live. You’re my missing piece, my other half. Without you, I’m nothing.

Come back to me. Please. Be mine again.

Let me love you the way I always should have. The way I always will.

Yours forever,


I fold the letter carefully and seal it in an envelope. My heart pounds as I contemplate dropping it in the mail—what if it’s not enough? What if the damage I’ve caused is beyond repair?

No. I can’t think that way. I need to have faith that our love is strong enough to overcome any obstacle. That Maya will see the depths of my regret and the sincerity of my devotion.

With a deep breath, I slide the envelope into my coat pocket and head out into the night. The crisp air fills my lungs, calming my nerves as I make my way to the mailbox.

This is it. The moment of truth. I pause, steeling myself, then lift the lid and drop the letter inside.

There. It’s done. Now I can only wait… and pray that my heart makes its way back home.

The walk back is a blur, my mind lost in memories of happier times. Of Maya’s smile, her laugh, the warmth of her embrace.God, how I miss her.Need her. Want her with a fierceness that steals my breath.

I reach my door and fumble for the key, eager to escape the chill. Once inside, I sink into my armchair by the fire.

The flames cast a golden glow over the room, illuminating the empty space where our wedding portrait used to hang. My gaze lingers there, warmth blooming in my chest.

Soon, my love. I’ll have you back where you belong. And this time, I’ll never let you go.

* * *

I wake with a start, disoriented for a moment before remembering where I am. The fire has died down to embers.

With a groan, I haul myself up and head to the kitchen to make coffee. As the pot brews, filling the room with its rich aroma, my thoughts return to Maya.

When will she receive my letter? I imagine her reading it, her beautiful eyes tracing the lines of my heart laid bare on the page. A shiver runs through me at the image, hope and fear mingling in my chest.

The coffee pot gurgles and I pour myself a cup, cradling it in my hands. Maya and I have something worth fighting for.

Our love. Our happily ever after.

* * *

The following evening, I sit down at my desk again, a new sheet of paper in front of me. My hands tremble slightly as I pick up the pen, the memory of Maya’s turmoil the last time I saw her haunting me. I take a deep breath, steeling my resolve. I have to make this right. I have to show her how much she means to me, how much I’m willing to change.

The pen hovers above the paper and then touches down, ink flowing freely as I pour my heart out onto the page, once more.

My Maya,

I know that words alone will not be enough, but I have to start somewhere. I have to show you how sorry I am for all the pain I’ve caused you, all the times I wasn’t there when you needed me. My work, making more money to guarantee our future and take care of you, became my priority, and I lost sight of what really mattered - spending time with you. Taking care of us. Of the life we built together, the dreams we once shared.

A single tear falls onto the paper, the ink bleeding into a watery blot. I brush it away impatiently. I can’t break down now, not when there’s still so much to say. So much to make right.

I want you back, Maya. I want another chance to show you how much you mean to me. How much I’m willing to change to make this work. To make us work again. You’re the love of my life, my soulmate, the one I can’t live without.
