Page 13 of Old School Love

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“Best idea we ever had,” Axel murmurs against my neck, his warm breath tickling my skin.

I tilt my head to the side, giving him better access as his lips trail soft kisses along my throat. “Mmm, I couldn’t agree more.”

We’re curled up on the sofa, the remains of a cheese spread and two glasses on the coffee table in front of us.

Axel pulls back to look into my eyes, a smile curving his sexy lips. “A vow renewal ceremony is perfect. We can have another wedding, but this time do it our way.”

“No crazy relatives trying to control everything.” I tease, tracing a finger down his stubbled cheek. “No ridiculous expectations to meet. Just us, celebrating our love.”

“Exactly.” His blue eyes darken as he leans in, capturing my mouth in a deep, wet kiss that makes my toes curl. I melt into him, my heart overflowing with love and desire.

When we finally come up for air, I’m breathless, hot with arousal. “We should keep the guest list small. Close friends and family only.”

Axel nods, tenderly brushing a stray lock from my forehead. “We can have the ceremony in the backyard, under the stars. Simple but meaningful.” His gaze turns smoldering as one of his big, calloused hands slides under my shirt, caressing my bare skin. “Then we’ll have an after-party for two only.”

I giggle. “I love the way you think, Mr. Cain.”

Our lips meet again as desire ignites between us, the renewal of our vows temporarily forgotten.

I wake as sunlight streams through the curtains, enveloped in Axel’s warm embrace. Our naked bodies are tangled together.

Last night replays in my mind. Each touch, each kiss, burned into my memory. The way Axel worshiped my body, bringing me to orgasm over and over. Whispering both dirty words and pledging his love and devotion as we moved together.

A smile curves across my lips. After all our years, my husband still makes me feel like the sexiest woman in the world.

Axel stirs behind me, his strong arms tightening around my waist as he nuzzles my neck. “Morning, beautiful,” comes out all rumbly and sexy.

“Good morning.” I roll over to face him, brushing a kiss over his delicious lips. “You slept well?”

A naughty grin tugs at his mouth. “After the workout you gave me last night, I was dead.” His eyes gleam with mischief. “But I can go for another round.”

Desire unfurls inside me. I trace a finger down his muscled chest, my touch feather light. “Is that a challenge, Mr. Cain?”

Axel’s navy gaze darkens with lust as he rolls on top of me, pinning me to the mattress, all long, hard limbs and big, rigid cock. He growls,“absolutely, Mrs. Cain.”

Then his mouth claims mine in a hot kiss and all thoughts flee my mind, lost in our lovemaking.

Long, long after, Axel caresses my face, his touch tender. “As much as I’d love to stay in bed with you all day, we have a ceremony to plan.”

I pout. “Do we really have to? Can’t we just elope?”

He chuckles. “Tempting, but I want to show you off in a white dress.”

I sigh. “Fine.”

“Hey, it’s only one day. Then I’ll have you all to myself.” He seals the promise with another dirty kiss before rolling off me.

I stretch, enjoying the delicious ache in my muscles. Axel smiles. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

His eyes shine with excitement.

My heart swells. I know without a doubt our vows renewal ceremony will be beautiful.

After almost losing him, I fall deeper in love with Axel each and every day. And I look forward to growing old and gray in his arms.

* * *

The next morning, I sit at my desk with a blank sheet of paper, ready to compose my vows. I want the words to reflect how far we’ve come and the depth of my love and trust in us.
