Page 16 of Old School Love

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Axel tightens his arms around me, his heart beating in time with my own. “Here’s to the next fifty years, my love. And fifty more after that.”

I lift my head to meet his gaze, seeing my joy and future reflected in his eyes. “Forever,” I say softly.

Axel smiles, slow and sweet, before claiming my lips in a tender kiss. We’ve been through heartbreak and trials, but our love has endured. It’s deeper and stronger than ever.

After all we’ve shared and sacrificed, after all we’ve built together, our love feels brand new. We’ve come full circle. And it’s only the beginning.


The warm breeze caresses my skin as Axel and I step out of the cab, greeted by the crashing waves of the turquoise sea.

“Welcome to paradise, Mrs. Cain,” Axel murmurs, wrapping a strong arm around my waist and pulling me close against his muscular body. His full lips brush my ear. His warmth and scent surrounding me.

I sigh, leaning into his delicious embrace. “It’s perfect.”

After checking in, the bellhop leads us to our private villa along winding stone paths, lush greenery all around. My heart swells at the sight of the spacious vacation house with whitewashed walls and a terracotta roof, vibrant bougainvillea climbing up the walls.

Axel squeezes my hand, his beautiful eyes glinting with excitement. “I knew you’d love it.”

“You did good, Mr. Cain.” I press a kiss to his mouth, desire simmering inside me. It’s been too long already.

Axel tips the bellhop and closes the door behind us. A huge terrace overlooks the sea, the crashing waves a soothing sound. The villa is decorated in an elegant beach style decor, with plush white sofas, colorful throw pillows and seashell accents.

Axel comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Should we break in the bed?” he murmurs against my neck, his warm breath making me tingle all over.

“We haven’t even unpacked yet,” I protest half-heartedly, tilting my head to give him better access. My skin vibrates under his feather-light kisses along my neck and shoulders.

“That can wait.” His hands roam over my body, setting me on fire. “Right now, all I want is you.”

Wet pools between my legs as desire overwhelms me. I turn around in his arms, tangling my hands in his hair and crushing my lips against his. Our kiss deepens, all lips, tongue and teeth.

“Please, now,” I whisper breathlessly against his mouth.

Axel scoops me up in his arms like I weigh nothing, carrying me across the terrace and into the villa. The rest of the world fades away as we lose ourselves in each other. Paradise indeed.

* * *

Hours later, the sun is setting over the ocean, its golden light shimmering across the waves. Axel leads me out to the terrace, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

The space has been transformed into an intimate dining area, lit by dozens of candles that cast a warm glow over everything. A table for two is set with the finest china and crystal, a decadent spread of food artfully arranged. Lobster, juicy steaks, mashed potatoes, sauteed greens, chocolate-covered strawberries.

My heart swells knowing the care and effort Axel put into planning this trip. He pulls out my chair, waiting until I’m sitting before taking his own seat across from me.

“To us,” he says, raising his glass. “And to making new memories together.”

“To us,” I echo softly, clinking my glass against his. We share a tender smile, and get lost in each other over candlelight and fine cuisine.

Being here with Axel, reconnecting and rediscovering our love, it’s everything I’ve been longing for. We’ve weathered storms that nearly tore us apart, but we’ve emerged stronger, our bond deeper than ever before.

“Remember our first date?” Axel asks with a wistful smile. “How nervous I was?”

I laugh, the memory as vivid as if it happened yesterday. “You spilled water all over the table in the first five minutes.”

“Then I knocked over the bread basket,” he adds sheepishly. “I was so eager to impress you. But you put me at ease. I knew right away you were special.”

I say softly, “from that very first date, I could see how amazing you are.”

Axel reaches across the table, taking my hand in his. “You’ve always been my lighthouse in the storm.”
