Page 5 of Old School Love

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These papers represent the end of nearly two decades together. All our hopes, dreams, memories bound together in a relationship I refuse to let go of.

I take a look around the empty house. So many echoes of Maya here, her presence woven into every room.

Soon I’ll bring her back home, where she belongs. With me.

With renewed determination, I zip up my bag and head out to my car. I’ve got a long drive ahead of me, but all I can think about is seeing Maya again. This isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot. It’s time. Off to the battle for my marriage, my future, my heart and soul.

I slide into the driver’s seat, cranking the engine. As I back out of the driveway, my mind floods with memories of Maya. Our first kiss under the bleachers. The way she looked walking down the aisle on our wedding day. Those long gone lazy Sundays spent in bed, her lush body curled up against mine.

I grip the steering wheel tighter. We’ve been through so much together over the years. Built a home. We’re family. I know her better than I know myself. There’s no way she could just throw it all away without giving me - giving us - another chance.

The open road stretches out ahead of me. With every mile, I feel more determined. I’m going to remind Maya of everything we are together. All the laughter, the passion, the dreams we’ve shared. This weekend, I’ll lay my heart bare and convince her that what we have is still worth fighting for.

She’s always been my light, my inspiration. I don’t know who I am without her by my side. But I know I’m not giving up the love of my life without a fight. The fire between us is still burning, and I intend to stoke its flames until neither of us can deny it.

I’m coming for you, baby. And when you’re back in my arms where you belong, I’m never letting you go again.

Her lips on my skin, my name whispered against the hollow of my throat. I can almost feel her touch, even now. Our bodies moving together in perfect harmony, passion building until neither of us can hold back any longer.

I ache for her. The way she would look up at me through those long lashes, her big brown eyes darkened by desire. How she’d dig her nails into my back as we came together, crying out my name.

Way back, when we’d lie tangled in the sheets, sweat-slick and sated. Maya would trace idle patterns on my chest as we talked about our day, our plans, our future.

For so long, I took those quiet moments for granted. Took Maya for granted. But no more. This weekend, I’m going to remind her of the heat between us that no one else could ever match. If I ever get a chance again, I’ll kiss every inch of her body until she surrenders to the connection we’ve always shared.

She’s everything to me - lover, friend, soulmate. I know her heart better than my own. And I know she still loves me, still wants me, just as fiercely as I want her. I only hope that we’ll both remember why we can never let this go.

Hang in there, baby. I’m on my way. And this time, I’m not letting you slip through my fingers again.

This weekend is about new beginnings.

I take a deep breath to steady myself.Don’t fuck this up, Cain.You got this. Just remind her of the man she fell in love with all those years ago.

My phone buzzes with a text from my buddy, Caleb, confirming we’ll meet up at the reunion.

It’s time. Time to get the girl back, win her heart forever. I’ve never backed down from a challenge before. And I’m sure as hell not starting now.

When I leave this reunion on Sunday, it’ll be with my wife by my side.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as memories of Maya flood my mind. One of our first dates, at the county fair, riding the Ferris wheel as fireworks exploded overhead. I knew right then she was the one. Our wedding day - Maya walking down the aisle looking like a vision, her smile lighting up the entire place. Our honeymoon in Mexico, making love on the beach under the stars.

So many happy memories over the years. Movie nights snuggled on the couch, vacations, inside jokes only we understand. Maya’s my best friend, my lover, my everything. I can’t imagine life without her.

I need to make this right. Need to remind her of the passion we share, the unbreakable bond between us. I know our flame still burns. I just have to stoke it back to life.

I’ll take her in my arms and kiss her stupid, with all the love and desire I’ve bottled up these past few months. I’ll look into her beautiful eyes and promise to spend the rest of my days cherishing her, if she just gives me one more chance.

We belong together. I know it, and I know she does too. This is just a bump on our road to forever. I’m ready to fight for our marriage, for our future.

Time to face the music and fight to win back the love of my life.

I know we’ve grown apart. Forgotten how to communicate. But we can find our way back to each other. Reignite our spark. I have to believe it’s possible.

Maya’s still the one for me. My lover, my friend, my entire world. This weekend is my chance to prove to her our bond is unbreakable.

It won’t be easy, but I’m ready to do whatever it takes. Ready to fight for our love and the life we’ve built together.

Maya. Her smile, her laugh. I miss it all so much.
